Student Wellbeing News

It’s been a busy time over in Wellbeing!
We celebrated “Wear it Purple Day”, which strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people. We also ran our Year 10 Consent program which was very successful and enjoyed by many students. Big thanks to Maddie Sill and Shelley Beasley who put together the program.
We ran our annual “R U OK?” day with staff and enjoyed a delicious lunch together.
The wellbeing dogs Kobe and Frankie continued to work hard this term (often napping on the job) engaging students and putting smiles on their faces.
We say goodbye to Charlotte Schmid at the end of this term. Charlotte joined our Wellbeing Team for Term 3 replacing Maria Rigopoulos whilst on long service leave. We wish you all the best Charlotte!
All in all, it’s been a busy term so on behalf of the Wellbeing Team, I hope you all have a wonderful break, stay safe and see you all next term.
Lisa Trovato
Student Wellbeing Coordinator
The month of September the Butterfly Foundation celebrates BodyKind month which supports the body positivity of young people. The Butterfly Foundation is Australia’s leading charity for eating disorders and body image.
Finding ways to like, accept, love or even feel positive about your body can be challenging in the world we live in today, but we can all try to be a little kinder.
Being BodyKind is how we nourish, nurture and move our bodies. It’s about the language we use out loud, online and in our heads – to ourselves and others!
No two people were born to look or be the same. Celebrating and embracing our differences is really important. There isn’t a right or a wrong way to look. Beauty and appearance ideals exist in all societies and they are all unhelpful! These ideals don’t encourage uniqueness but instead suggest that everyone ‘should’ and ‘could’ look a certain way, which is unrealistic! We want to encourage all our young people, to be BodyKind and body positive.
Please find attached an infographic for young people on feeling good in your body!
For further support, please feel free to contact the Butterfly Foundation:
Call: 1800 33 4673
Chat online:
Email: https:
Shelley Beasley Adolescent Health Nurse
(Wellbeing team)
Cybersafety and Responsible Use of Digital Technologies
The following resources are available to parents and carers to assist them with guiding their children with the use of digital technology in a safe and responsible way. Parents and carers are their child's first role model when it comes to online behaviour. Please find information to assist parents and carers when dealing with Cybersafety issues:
The following fact sheet may assist in encouraging the safe and respectful use of social media and to provide tips to parents for being a positive role model:
If parents/carers have any questions regarding Cybersafety or Digital Learnings in Schools and our Mobile Phone Policy, please contact Reception.
Cameron Campbell
Assistant Principal
Food & Financial Support
As we are all aware, the cost of living is increasing. We realise that this might be causing some distress to members of the EDSC community. If you are experiencing financial difficulties or food insecurity please look at the website This website can help you locate services for food, money, clothing, health and housing in your area.
The College is able to provide a range of food to families within the community. Foodbank Victoria provide EDSC fresh fruit, cereals, milk, different types of ready meals, fruit cups and Messy Monkey snacks. If you and your family are experiencing food insecurity, please contact the school to arrange a food collection. For a confidential conversation, please call Maddie Sill on 9842-2244.
Please also note that if your child forgets their lunch they can come to the Wellbeing Hub to access the pantry.
Breakfast Club
The Wellbeing Team believes that offering high school students a Breakfast Club can significantly promote physical health, mental wellbeing, academic success, and a positive school culture.
The Breakfast Club will take place every Monday from 8:15 am to 8:45 am at the Wellbeing Hub.
All students are welcome to join us for free healthy breakfast options. A group of community volunteers will run the Breakfast Club, and we kindly ask that you show respect and appreciation for their time and effort.
When: Every Monday
Where: Wellbeing Hub
Who: All students are welcome
Time: 8:15 am – 8:45 am
Cost: Free
We hope to see you there and look forward to a great time!
Request for Uniform Donations
The Wellbeing Team provide second-hand uniforms for students in need. We are asking for uniform items, in good condition to be donated to the Wellbeing Team. Specifically, we are looking for dresses, shirts, pants, jackets and any sports uniform in larger sizes.
If you require uniforms for your child, please contact the Wellbeing Team for support.
Wellbeing Team
Wellbeing Staff
For more information about Wellbeing at the College, please visit the following link ..
Child Safety Standards
East Doncaster Secondary College is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision making.
East Doncaster Secondary College has zero tolerance for child abuse.
East Doncaster Secondary College is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Particular attention will be paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children with a disability.
Every person involved in East Doncaster Secondary College has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.
In our planning, decision making and operations, all personnel at East Doncaster Secondary College will:
- Take a preventative, proactive and participatory approach to child safety;
- Value and empower children to participate in decisions which affect their lives;
- Foster a culture of openness that supports all persons to safely disclose risks of harm to children
- Respect diversity in cultures and child rearing practices while keeping child safety paramount;
- Provide written guidance on appropriate conduct and behaviour towards children;
- Engage only the most suitable people to work with children and have high quality staff and volunteer supervision and professional development;
- Ensure children know who to talk with if they are worried or are feeling unsafe, and that they are comfortable and encouraged to raise such issues;
- Report suspected abuse, neglect or mistreatment promptly to the appropriate authorities;
- Share information appropriately and lawfully with other organisations where the safety and wellbeing of children is at risk; and
- Value the input of and communicate regularly with families and carers.