Principal's Report

Principal Report
It is hard to believe that the end of Term 3 is already upon us. As always, the term has been very busy but also rewarding. Our students have not only embraced the learning taking place in each of their classes; they have also engaged in activities outside the classroom that have allowed them to showcase their talents and strengthen bonds with their peers and teachers. I am proud of how our students have embraced new challenges and opportunities and supported each other along the way.
The Term 3 break provides the opportunity for our students to recharge but also reflect upon what they have achieved so far this year and what they hope to focus on in Term 4. This is particularly crucial for our Year 12 students as they shift their focus to preparing for their final exams. The reflections and learnings from the first three terms, and the feedback they have received from their teachers throughout the year, should guide them as they commence preparation for their VCAA examinations.
I would like to encourage all Year 11 and 12 students undertaking Unit 3 and 4 subject studies to strike a balance over the break so that they are able to take a much-needed rest whilst also keeping positive study habits in place so that they are well prepared for the remaining challenges in Term 4.
At this stage of the year, it is common for Year 12 students to feel nervous and anxious about what lies ahead. Fast approaching exams and the thoughts of life beyond secondary school can be all consuming. Such feelings are completely normal. I do want to encourage students during this time to be kind to themselves. The focus should not be on perfection but rather on giving your best effort. My wish is for students to reach the end of the year being proud of themselves for always trying their hardest and encouraging others to do the same. We can ask no more of our students than this.
I wish all students and families a wonderful term break and hope that it provides the opportunity to connect with friends and family.
Assistant Principal Appointments- Commencing 2025
I would like to share with our school community an exciting change to our leadership structure for 2025. Given our school’s increasing size, we are re-shaping our sub-school structure to ensure we continue to effectively meet the needs of all of our students.
As of Term 1 2025, we will have an Assistant Principal for Senior School and an Assistant Principal for Middle School. This is certainly a structure that many schools of our size have moved to, and we are excited to embrace the opportunities that this change brings in terms of supporting our students, families and staff.
I am thrilled to announce the appointments of Katrina Leaumont and Giulia Catalano to these two Assistant Principal positions. As long-standing teachers and leaders at our College, I warmly congratulate them both as they embark upon these new roles. Katrina and Giulia are absolutely committed to our school community and to ensuring that all of our students are cared for and supported throughout their journey at East Doncaster Secondary College. I am confident that they will thrive in these new roles and know that they are wonderful additions to our Principal Team.
Parent- Student- Teacher Conferences
On Wednesday afternoon and evening we conducted our final Parent- Student- Teacher Conferences for 2024.
With over 4350 individual interviews over the course of the afternoon and evening, the support of our school community and the desire to connect on a personal level was evident. Whilst conversations in this format are brief, they nonetheless provide valuable insights that complement the ongoing dialogue teachers have with students during classes and the feedback provided to students about their learning and performance in learning tasks.
I do acknowledge that there are families that may not have had the opportunity to attend or were disappointed if they were unable to book an appointment with some teachers. I would like to remind our families that they are also able to keep abreast of student progress by requesting that their children bring home the assessed learning tasks, and through regularly accessing the Compass Learning Management system for detailed and regular feedback that can be found via Learning Tasks and Cycle Reports.
The evening was once again supported by our wonderful Parents and Friends Association. Their traditional bake sale did not disappoint. Their home-made cakes and slices were a welcome temptation for many of us– thanks PFA!
Year 8 Camp
Last week our Year 8 camp was held at Camp Rumbug in South Gippsland, two hours drive from Melbourne CBD, with highlights including a mud run, abseiling, aeroball, archery, canoeing, bush crafts, group sporting activities and the night walks. The weather was a bit unpredictable last week but our staff and students were undeterred, engaging enthusiastically in all activities on offer.
Could I acknowledge the Middle School team for their extensive planning of the event – in particular, Justin Bond (Head of Middle School), Eileen Nguyen and Kim Schwarz (Year 8 Coordinators) and Bree Murphy (Middle School Secretary). A big thank you to our many teachers who gave up their valuable family time to attend, and in doing so contributes to each camps overall success.
I have it on good authority from many of our students and staff that the week was filled with a great deal of fun and laughter.
Manningham Peace concert
I was fortunate on last Thursday evening to attend the Manningham Interfaith Network Community Peace Concert. The evening showcased songs and dance to celebrate the many faiths in our Manningham community. The theme of the evening was ‘Sharing is Caring’.
Our Euphonix vocal group performed on the evening, expertly led by their conductor Tegan Gaschk and accompanied by talented Year 9 pianist Rhylan. Their performances of Stevie Wonder’s classic ‘Isn’t She Lovely’ and Adele’s ‘Easy on Me’ were real hits on the night. It was fabulous to hear Donburn Primary School Students join in so enthusiastically. It was a lovely demonstration of harmony in our community.
The evening also included the impromptu singing of the Australian National Anthem by students at Donburn Primary School who were accompanied with only a moment’s notice by Rhylan playing the piano so beautifully.
I was certainly very proud of our school’s involvement in this wonderful community event.
Year 10 Work Experience
Our Year 10 cohort have this week been facing an array of wonderful opportunities as they have participated in the Work Experience program.
What has also been readily evident is the vast range of placement opportunities that students have engaged in. Many of our students took it upon themselves to source diverse, challenging and, at times, outstanding work placements that mirrored their aspirations and possible future pathways.
Apart from the earlier starts and later finishes, the challenges of work experience placements are numerous. The program offers students a real insight into the world of work and the pathway possibilities. The feedback received over this week by teacher visitations and employer communications have been well received and positive.
Outstanding Student Achievements
Year 8 Boys Badminton - State Finals
Congratulations to the Year 8 Boys Badminton Team on becoming the 2024 Year 8 Boys State Badminton Champions after defeating Balwyn High School in the state final!
Well done Jayden, Kryshant, Kriish, Shih-Yuan, Aiden, Jacky and Johnny. This is a back to back win for our boys who were also Year 7 State Champions last year. Such an incredible effort.
Lions Youth of the Year competition
The Lions Youth of the Year competition took place on Tuesday evening.
Kaylee (Year 10) was the overall winner of the evening and will now proceed to the next level in March 2025.
Triston (Year 12) was the winner of the Public Speaking award.
Nicole (Year 10) and Amelia (Year 11) both attended and received participation awards.
Congratulations to all students involved.
eSafety Information for parents and carers
With technology continually evolving, it is essential to equip our young people with the skills they need to stay safe online.
Please find below a number of resources provided by the eSafety Commissioner. They have been developed to provide advice for parents and carers to help children have safe experiences online.
- The eSafety Guide helps parents learn about the latest games, apps, and social media, including how to protect your information and report inappropriate content.
- eSafety's parents guide covers key online safety issues and a range of practical tips and advice on what to do if things go wrong.
- Online Safety for every family - translated and easy read resources.
Please note that Term 4 will commence on Monday 7 October.
Contact Information
It is also vital that families maintain up to date contact information. If your details change we ask that you please complete the Change of Details Form (below) and return to Reception or via email to
Karen Boyle