Performing Arts News

A busy and productive term for Performing Arts students. Year 7 Drama classes have been developing their vocal skills, sharing their talents through Readers Theatre. Year 8 Drama has exposed students to the theatrical style of Melodrama and the Year 8 Production classes designed miniature set pieces through hands on learning. The Year 9 and Year10 Performing Arts classes have stepped up the intensity of their rehearsal process, eagerly anticipating their upcoming performance in Term Four. They will be joined on stage by members of the Dance Club who have been busy perfecting their choreography across a range of dance styles.
Semester Two Events
Term Four - Week 4
- Thursday 31 October - Year 9 & Year 10 Performing Arts Showcase
- Thursday 31 October - Dance Club Performance
Tickets will be available early in Term Four via Keep an eye on your Compass newsfeed for further details.
Evan Jones
Performing Arts