Library News

EDSC Reading Challenge Pizza Party Coming Soon
Planning is well underway for the EDSC Reading Challenge Pizza Party in Term 4.
All students who read and verified 15 books in the Reading Challenge should keep an eye on their school emails as we will be sending out all the details in Week 1 of Term 4.
We look forward to revealing the total numbers of books read, as well as this year’s well-read prize winners, next term.
Sora App Provides Great Holiday Reading
EDSC students can keep on reading throughout the holidays by logging into the Sora app.
Sora’s eBooks and audiobooks can be accessed online 24/7, meaning students have a constant supply of great fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, and manga.
The Sora app can be downloaded onto a laptop, tablet or phone, or accessed via the Sora website.
To login, students should search for ‘East Doncaster Secondary College’ then use the same login details they use for Compass.
Students can also add their local public library service to access a larger range of eBooks and audiobooks through Sora.
Kathryn Williams
Library Coordinator