Office News

Families are reminded that students should not be attending school if there are any symptoms of illness. At the first sign of COVID or flu like symptoms please get tested and remain isolated until results are received. If your child comes to school exhibiting symptoms of illness, you will be called and asked to pick them up.
2024 School Fees & Levies
Final statements were emailed to families at the start of Term 4. Instalment 4 of $501.25 is due on Friday 25 October.
2025 School Fees & Levies
School fees and levies for 2025 are being finalised and will be advised in our next newsletter.
2025 Concessional fees, CSEF & School Saving Bonus
Those families who received a CSEF payment this year are automatically eligible for the School Saving Bonus, which will be paid via St John's in late November 2024. Information about this payment has been emailed to families.
Applications for 2025 CSEF (and the School Saving Bonus) will be available in late November.
We are also waiting on concessional fee information from MACS for 2025.
A history of fees and ongoing payments may be accessed via the ICON Parent Portal, Finance tab . If you do not have your username or password please contact
Thank you
Melinda McNaught
Absences and Family Holidays
Please be aware that parents need to contact the school to give a reason for any type of absence or we will have to mark your child unapproved. Please refer below for ways to communicate absences with the school.
Parents are required to ensure their child attends school and to provide an explanation for their child's absence from school, and the principal must record in writing the reason (if any) given by the parent. The principal must be able to determine from the records if the excuse given was reasonable in terms of the parent meeting their legal obligations.
Parents should promptly inform the school of the reason for their child's absence so that the school can:
- determine if the child's absence needs to be excused by the principal, in line with school policy and these guidelines
- determine the appropriate follow up to ensure the child's education and wellbeing is supported
- record if the parent has a reasonable excuse for not meeting their obligation to ensure their child attends school each day
Where possible, parents should inform the school in advance of upcoming absences to ensure a child's education and wellbeing are supported, parents are encouraged to communicate openly with the school where a child has an ongoing medical condition that may result in extended absences or medical appointments during school hours.
Family holidays will be approved if notification in writing to the Principal has been received in advance.
Parents are requested to log their child's reason for absence using either:
- Via PAM (Parent Access Module) - see the attached "How To" guide
- SIMON Everywhere App
- Email:
- Phone: 9687 3150 - from 8.30am
Please remember to detail your child's absence: "unwell" can mean a range of illnesses; please advise us of any particular symptoms / ailments
Medications Reminder
Recently, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) have updated their Medical Management Policy to ensure that schools meet their responsibilities and duty of care for managing the medical needs of children with diagnosed medical conditions, health care needs, wellbeing and/or personal care needs, to support students’ equitable access and participation in education.
This means that St. John’s will be implementing required changes to the management of supporting children with medical conditions, including those who require administration of medication during school hours.
What does this mean for families of children with a medical condition?
Please provide the school with the item/s required as soon as possible at the start of the year, as it is of primary importance that we have up to date Action Plans/Medication in case of an emergency.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Leonie in the office on 9687 3150 or
Thank you for your assistance.
Parent Contact Details
Have your contact details changed?
If so, please log into PAM (Parent Access Module) and update your details or email the office via so we can update our records. This includes changes to emergency contacts, additional numbers to call if needed and any changes to employment details.
Thank you
Melinda and Leonie