From the Principal

What a week we have had with the weather. Each time I looked out the window on Monday, it seemed as if the weather had changed. Whilst on yard duty, I felt the full force of the wind and then the sun would shine, providing a warm glow, and then a few bursts of rainfall. It is definitely spring in Melbourne.  


The strange weather certainly attracted many comments on social media, with many wondering if schools were closing.  


As a government school, Mornington Secondary College will always follow the advice of the Education Department. The only time a government school can close is if the Principal is directed to by the Regional Director. This did not occur. Independent schools are governed by a different body.  


This week, I have included a letter from the Premier’s office re: $400 School Saving Bonus. More information can be found on a Compass newsfeed. 


Thankyou for your continued support. 









Linda Stanton


Important Dates

Term 3


Wednesday 11th September - Year 7 Showcase - 2.30pm to 5.00pm - Learning Centre

Thursday 12th September - Year 7 2025 Parent Information Evening - 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Friday 13th September - Year 12 SWOTVAC - No classes for Year 12 students

Monday 16th to Friday 20th September - Year 12 completing Units 3 and 4 - Trial Exams

Monday 16th to Thursday 19th September - Year 12 Revision Lectures

Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term 3 - 2.30pm Dismissal


Term 4


Friday 11th October - Year 11 Formal - Frankston Art Centre

Tuesday 15th October - Year 10 Outdoor and Environmental Studies Phillip Island Surf Excursion

Tuesday 22nd October - Final day for Year 12 students

Tuesday 22nd October - Whole School Assembly to farewell our Year 12 students

Tuesday 29th to Thursday 31st October - Year 10 Outdoor and Environmental Studies Otways Camp



Monday 4th November - Staff Professional Development Day - Student free

Tuesday 5th November - Melbourne Cup - Public Holiday

Wednesday 6th to Friday 8th November - Year 10 Outdoor and Environmental Studies Otways hike

Monday 11th November - Remembrance Day commemorations - 10.45am

Wednesday 13th November - Year 11 SWOTVAC - No classes for Year 11 students

Thursday 14th November - Final presentations for Year 11 VM students

Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th November - Final assessment presentations for Year 11 VM students

Tuesday 19th November - Year 7 celebration of first year of secondary school - Portfolio showcase afternoon

Thursday 21st November - Year 9 Graduation and social - Frankston Arts Centre

Friday 22nd November - Professional Practice Day for all teachers - Student free

Monday 25th November - Fast Forward commences - students transition into their 2025 year level and classes



Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th December - Japanese visitors from Nara

Friday 6th December - Year 11 2025 students final day

Tuesday 10th December - Grade 6 Orientation Day for students joining MSC in 2025

Monday 16th December - Presentation Evening - New Peninsula Baptist Church - 6.30pm

Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th December - 3 day activity program

Friday 20th December - Last day of Term 4


Don't forget to look on compass for sport sign ups, excursions and any other information sent to students and parents. 

Below is a link to help guide you in your use of compass.


Middle School

Dear Parents and Carers, 


We have had such a busy week! Today the Year 9 students have an excursion into Melbourne, and we have our Year 8 girls compete in the State finals for netball. Our Year 7 students are excited working on their Humanities, Japanese and Science subjects ready for the parents to come to the school to view their Showcase. We are also preparing to meet our new Year 7 families 2025 as we have our Information evening on Thursday. 


Like me, you may have noticed that a lot of media attention has been given to “sleep”.  It certainly is a hot topic especially espousing the health benefits of having a good sleep or adversely, the impact of a lack of sleep. 


Here is some information on Teenagers and Sleep from the Better Health Channel, Victoria State Government and Department of Health. The parent tips and teenager tips provide some good information and strategies that may support good habits for teenagers to be able to sleep well.


Effects of teenage sleep deprivation

The developing brain of a teenager needs between eight and 10 hours of sleep every night. The effects of chronic (ongoing) sleep deprivation may include:

  • concentration difficulties
  • mentally ‘drifting off’ in class
  • shortened attention span
  • memory impairment
  • poor decision making
  • lack of enthusiasm
  • moodiness and aggression
  • depression
  • risk-taking behaviour
  • slower physical reflexes
  • clumsiness, which may result in physical injuries
  • reduced sporting performance
  • reduced academic performance
  • increased number of ‘sick days’ from school because of tiredness
  • truancy.

Preventing sleep deprivation in teenagers – tips for parents

Try not to argue with your teenager about bedtime. Instead, discuss the issue with them. Together, brainstorm ways to increase their nightly quota of sleep. Suggestions include:

  • Allow your child to sleep in on the weekends.
  • Encourage an early night every Sunday. A late night on Sunday followed by an early Monday morning will make your child drowsy for the start of the school week.
  • Decide together on appropriate time limits for any stimulating activity such as homework or screen time. Encourage restful activities during the evening, such as reading.
  • Avoid early morning appointments, classes or training sessions for your child if possible.
  • Help your teenager to better schedule their after-school commitments to free up time for rest and sleep.
  • Assess your teenager's weekly schedule together and see if they are overcommitted. Help them to trim activities if they are.
  • Encourage your teen to take an afternoon nap after school to help recharge their battery, if they have time.
  • Work together to adjust your teenager’s body clock. You may like to consult with your doctor first.

Top sleep tips for teenagers

The typical teenage brain wants to go to bed late and sleep late the following morning, which is usually hard to manage. You may be able to adjust your body clock but it takes time. Suggestions include:

  • Choose a relaxing bedtime routine; for example, have a bath and a hot milky drink before bed, or use meditation or mindfulness activities. Gentle yoga may also help.
  • Avoid screens such as computers, TV or smart phones, loud music, homework or any other activity that gets your mind racing for at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Avoid stimulants in the evening like coffee, tea, soft drinks and energy drinks.
  • Keep your bedroom dark at night. Your brain’s sleep–wake cycle is largely set by light received through the eyes. Try to avoid watching television or using smart phones right before bed. In the morning, expose your eyes to lots of light to help wake up your brain.
  • Do the same bedtime routine every night for at least four weeks to make your brain associate this routine with going to sleep.
  • Start your bedtime routine a little earlier than usual (for example, 10 minutes) after four weeks. Do this for one week.
  • Add an extra 10 minutes every week until you have reached your desired bedtime.
  • Get active during the day so you are more physically tired at night.
  • Set up a comfortable sleep environment.
  • Set up a regular wake-up time.
  • Avoid staying up late on the weekends. Late nights will undo your hard work.
  • Remember that even 30 minutes of extra sleep each night on a regular basis makes a big difference. However, it may take about six weeks of getting extra sleep before you feel the benefits.

Wishing you a wonderful week




Denise Leggett

Middle School Assistant Principal




Senior School

To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,


It’s been a big week again for the Senior School and it’s the time of the year when our year 11 and 12 SACs start to pile up. So, if your senior school child has seemed a bit stressed or under-the-pump, it’s probably because they are!


Unbelievably our year 12 VCE ATAR students have just one week of formal classes this term until they move into trial exams and begin the EXCEL program (details below).


Year 12 EXCEL program – and trial exams 

In 2023, we implemented the Mornington EXCEL (EXam preparation, Confidence, Excellence & Learning) program to help prepare our students for year 12 external exams. We’ll be doing it again in 2024. The basis of the program involves the printing of at least 4 exams for each subject for each student and building their confidence for end-of-year exams by scaffolding their approach to the exams. While students are largely finishing their curriculum now, we’ll assess where they are by running them through a trial exam period in week 10 before setting them a schedule to follow in the lead up to final exams. Students need to be peaking in performance in late October, early November, not in mid-September so we can plan accordingly. After trial exams, students can do early practice exams open book, with no time limit (but put in answers in a different colour when they can’t remember an answer, so they can revise that area later). Then they might do open book but with a time limit, before moving into closed book and no or a loose time limit before doing closed book, exam time limit in the two weeks leading into their exam for each subject.


Year 12 teachers will be available for their students during their normal class time during SWOTVAC (the time between classes finishing and the exams) up until their individual subject exam. In my time as a VCE teacher and leader I can tell you there is a direct correlation between students who seek teacher assistance and feedback in person during this time and higher marks in the exams. Remember for most subjects, the exam will be worth 50% (and often more after moderation) so it’s a critical for students to achieve their personal best in the exam. 


Year 12 VCE VM completion date

As I stated last week, our VCE VM students will have a final presentation to make to a panel in the first 2 weeks of term 4 to finalise their VCE VM certificate. Information was provided to students and families last week (or early this week – I was a bit tardy in signing the document) which outlines the process. This provides our VM students and teachers the opportunity to reflect on their successes in the program and helps the VM teachers plan to improve the VM programs for 2025 and beyond. I look forward to sitting in on some of the presentations.


Term 3 key dates for Senior School

Fri 13th September – Final Day for Unit 4 coursework (Yr 12 VCE ATAR)

16-20th September – Trial exam period for Year 12 classes

September 30 – Timely VTAC applications close (Year 12 students only)


Kind regards,




Nick Evans

Senior School Assistant Principal




Computer Recycling

I don’t need to tell you how important it is for a student to have a functioning computer at school and I know that students from time to time have accidents which mean they are without their computer while it is being repaired.  The College maintains a small fleet of loan devices to help cover students while their machine is being repaired. At certain times of the year this can become a stretched resource, especially around this time of the year where families are looking to purchase a new device for “next year” and so are trying to get the current machine to last a bit longer. There are a few things that families can do to help us in this area.

  1. If you have a machine which needs repairs, action it immediately, this might mean taking it to the place of purchase, or if you purchased a machine through one of the school suggested suppliers, contact the IT department.
  2. If your child has a loan machine which they are “meaning to drop back” make that happen. (The IT Guys are calling home for these students!)
  3. If you have a machine which was used at school that is still functional, but no longer needed consider donating it to our loan pool.

Parent opinion survey train delay…..

So it seems that the end date for the parent opinion survey has been extended. We now have until the end of term to hear from all our families.


Please find the link and school code on the star menu on Compass.  We have currently received feedback from 142 families…well short of the 250 target.


Please do your bit!


Kind regards,




Mike Parker

Assistant Principal



Free Internet at Home until December 2025

Year 11 and 12 Japanese Excursion to Melbourne International Film Festival

Our students recently attended the MIFF Schools Program at ACMI in the CBD. We were accompanied by our Japanese Intern from ICU (Internation Christian University) in Tokyo.


While in the city we also visited some Japanese stores: MUJI and Daiso, and enjoyed a Ramen Lunch at Ikkoryu on Russell  street.


After the excursion, students wrote a Journal entry about the excursion. Featured here is one written by Lisa Edwards, a current Year 11 student:


8月14日 水曜日 はれ時々くもり








Wednesday, 14th August. Fine sometimes Cloudy


Yesterday, I went to the CBD with the Japanese class for an excursion. Altogether there were 10 students. We met in front of the Frankston Cinemas. It took about 1 hour to the city.


I’ve been to the city plenty of times, but this was the first time going with my class. First of all, we walked around the CBD. The weather was really good. We walked to a café. The staff were really friendly. I think I’d like to go there again with family and friends.


After we finished eating, we hopped on a tram and went to the Cinema. We were a little bit late, but that was OK. We watched a film called ‘The Concierge’. It was really good. I felt a little bit teary.


All in all, the day was really fun. I’d like to go to the city with the class again.

Famous Figures Day

This week our Year 12 students celebrated some of the famous people on our planet.  Some amazing costumes were worn to help support of school’s charity: Food for Change.  Albert Einstein, Theodore Roosevelt, Barbie, Eeyore, Incredibles and the Grinch were amongst some of our famous people to pop by.

National Cross-Country Championships

On Saturday the 31st of September Ethan Sheen of Year 9 and Andrew Turver of Year 11 represented Team Victoria and Mornington Secondary College at the National Cross-Country Championships held in Tasmania. 


The race was conducted in the worst conditions imaginable for running, with wind, hail and thunderstorms, conditions were extremely tough for competitors. Both athletes did a stellar job to compete in such conditions. 


Andrew placed 84th (6km U18) and Ethan placed 10th (4km U15). Ethan also received a bronze medal as he was a member of the Victorian Team who placed third overall.


Congratulations to both Andrew and Ethan to make it through to compete against the best runners in Australia, we are so proud your achievements in this event.

School Experience - The University of Melbourne

Last week we hosted Hidemi Ikegami, a student from The University of Melbourne.


Hidemi is undertaking School Experience as a breadth subject alongside her Bachelor of Science.

  • The subject includes a placement of 20 hours within a Victorian school classroom, offering an opportunity to collaborate as a Tertiary Student Assistant (TSA) under the guidance of a qualified teacher.

As you can read in her email below, Hidemi had a great time at Mornington Secondary College, and is now seriously considering moving on to her Master of Education. 😃


Dear Sarah,


I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the amazing experience at Mornington Secondary College. I really enjoyed my three days there, especially getting to chat with different teachers and try different positions within the school.


The positive learning environment and the compassion the teachers bring to their teaching was really inspiring to experience. It was such a great opportunity to learn from you all, and I really appreciate how welcoming everyone was.


Please pass on my thanks to the rest of the staff as well. I loved my placement at Mornington Secondary College so much!


Looking forward to staying in touch.


Best regards,

Hidemi Ikegami


Sarah Walker

Pre-Service Teacher Coordinator

Proposed new Public Bus Routes

The Department of Transport is proposing to introduce a new bus route that connects Hastings, Tyabb and Mornington, making it easier to travel across the peninsula.


The proposed route will improve residents’ access to jobs, shopping, healthcare, and education in Mornington, Moorooduc, Tyabb, and Hastings.


Changes are also proposed for routes 784 and 785 for a more direct and faster link to Frankston and Mornington town centre, and to introduce bus services to areas in Mornington for the first time.


For more information and to have your say, visit by 22 September 2024.

Year 12 Final Art Exhibition

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