Learning Community 3

5/6 Glenys Howard and Leanne Pettigrove 

During Writing the 5/6 students have been learning how to structure and create a comic strip, combining illustrations with speech to tell a story. Students have been working very hard to include details and expression in their illustrations.

Reading has focused on identifying the topic and theme in a text, making connections with texts and using comparative and superlative adjectives. We have been continuing with our Reading Circles, taking turns filling the roles of Summariser, Discussion Director, Connector, Character Profiler, Word Wizard, Illustrator, Literacy Luminary and Travel Tracer. Our comprehension of our group novels and reading confidence has improved a lot from the start of the year. 


Maths has centred on analysing, presenting and interpreting data and using a variety of math strategies to solve worded problems. 5/6 P has accepted Miss Lewis' challenge of becoming Mathletics Champions. Next week will be revisiting Time.


5/6P would like to introduce our new classroom Mascot - Ducktholomew the Third.