Learning Community 1

Prep - Mrs Guy, 1 - Mr Wigg, 1/2 - Miss Stoll

Prep Guy

Over the past two weeks in Literacy we have been learrning about 'ou' words as in cloud and 'ie' words as in pie. We have learnt how to summarise a fiction text and how to change letters in a word to make new words, for example cat can become hat, mat and sat, by changing the first letter. We also learnt how to follow a recipe to make damper which students loved eating with jam or honey. We have been learning about why authors write fiction stories and how to work out the theme or message behind the actual story. In the dreamtime story, Tiddalick we learnt that it is not good to be greedy. We had a lot of fun trying to persuade the grade to our way of thinking in persuasive writing. I am still trying to persuade my grade to be Carlton supporters! 


In Numeracy we have been working on making equal groups of 2, 5 and 10. We learnt that if we can skip count by $2 coins, we can pay for an items worth $10 ( 5 groups of 2)or $20 ( 10 groups of 2). If we can skip count by 5 we can tell the time on a clock (6 groups of 5 is 30) as in 2.30pm. 


We were lucky to have the RSPCA visit us last week and we learnt how to look after animals, making sure they have fresh water, food, exercise and love daily. 


Prep Guy Students Of The Week

Congratulations to Amazing Alayha who was voted in by her classmates last week. Students said Alayha shows our school values of respect, responsibility and resileince. 


Students voted for Magnificent Milan this week. Students said Milan was a very hard worker, who is a great role model for his classmates.


Well done Alayha and Milan, we are very proud of you both.


Wishing everyone a safe, restful holiday with your gorgeous children. Remember students have Mathletics log in and Reading Eggs log in details in their reading diaries if you want to use both of these platforms over the holidays. 

1 Wigg

This week students have been exploring the /ch/ making the /k/ sound.  We have been learning about persuasive text and identifying their features, purpose and the language used. We were also provided with opportunities to draft our own persuasive texts such as 'Mr Wigg should let us have a class pet!' and the students provided plenty of reasons.


In Numeracy, students continued to explore division and sharing objects. It was pleasing to see students share collections of objects between groups. We have also been exploring directional language including left, right, forwards, between, next to and backwards. Students have enjoyed following dance moves as part of our warm up. 


As our Integrated Studies unit comes to an end, students have been researching and producing a fact file on an Olympian. It was great seeing students enjoy being able to select an athlete of their choice. Many students were interested in the skateboarding athletes! 


Student Achievers

Well done on Cruize and Hunter for being our student achievers over the past two weeks. You both have showed great Resilience in your learning and we are proud of your efforts.


1/2 Stoll


Over the last two weeks we have reviewed sounds in reading, such as the long a, e, i, o and u sound, we have also explored /er/ and /air/ sounds, such as dirt, burn, pair and square. In writing, we have begun exploring persuasive writing, and have had so much fun sharing and debating our opinions. In maths we have ALL been kicking multiplications butt! I could not be prouder of how hard we have worked, especially in maths. We have had so much fun celebrating Footy Colours Day today. Everyone looked so cool, my favourite fits were of course our Collingwood army and Cooper, who rocked the coolest Dustin Martin t-shirt. 


Student Achievers

Last week our wonderful Laker was our student achiever and this week our amazing Cam was. Well done to you both, always trying your personal best to role model excellent classroom and yard behaviour. 


I would also like to apologise to our families as I missed last week's newsletter. 


P.S. We're finally back in our 'normal' classroom!!! Woohoo!!!