Year 3 News

Congratulations to the Year 3 students on a wonderful start to the year! 


It has been a very busy start to the year, but we are super proud of how quickly the Year 3 students have settled into their new routines. They are really enjoying their new learning space and are loving their early morning runs (and walks) around the oval. 


Inquiry - How We Express Ourselves 

For our current Unit of Inquiry ‘How We Express Ourselves’ the Year 3 students were given a communication provocation. Each table group was given a set of instructions that are imperfect.  

The students are to try and work out what the instructions are within their group, even though very little information was provided on most tasks.  


Once the task was completed, the students enjoyed sharing how their instructions were presented differently and the impact this had on communication, and therefore the outcome of the task. Some of the groups were successful, some were left feeling a little bamboozled!! 


Year 3 Sport 

On Tuesday afternoons, the Year 3 students will all join together for Sport. 

They will play a range of cooperative and team games, such as Newcomb, bat tennis and rounders. Our first week of Sport was a huge success and ended in a hula-hoop challenge! 



Maths - Measurement 

Last week we introduced measurement. The students brainstormed all the different ways you could measure things and discussed both formal and informal units.  


The students practiced using a ruler and then drew different sized squares and rectangles in their Maths books. They then used rulers to measure and label their shapes. 


We then enjoyed a ‘Scavenger Hunt’ around the classroom, finding objects of certain lengths and comparing their findings with their classmates.  



Some examples were, find something that is 10cm long, find something that is one metre in height, find something that is less than 5cm long, find a person taller than you, find the person in class with the shortest hair. 


Kindness Challenge 

The Year 3 students have each made a ‘Kindness Challenge’ card and popped it up on the wall. Each week a student is chosen to select a card and read the challenge out to the class. 


The class then has the task of completing the ‘act of kindness’ by the end of the week. Some examples have been, introduce yourself to someone you haven’t met and ask them some questions, do something to help your teacher without being asked, or look out for someone in the playground who may be on their own and ask them to join in with you and your friends. The students are always keen to hear what the next challenge may be…