
6 Traits of Writing  

Writing is not just about putting words on paper; it's about weaving a story, expressing thoughts, and communicating ideas effectively. To help our young writers develop their skills at Beaumaris North, we focus on the six traits of writing: 


Ideas: Every great piece of writing starts with a spark of creativity. Whether it's a story, an essay, or a poem, having engaging and original ideas is essential. Encouraging our students to brainstorm, imagine, and explore different perspectives helps them develop strong ideas for their writing. 


Organization: Just like building a house requires a solid foundation, writing needs structure. Teaching students how to organize their thoughts logically, use paragraphs effectively, and create clear beginnings, middles, and endings helps them convey their message in a coherent manner. 


Voice: Voice is the personality that shines through in a piece of writing. It's what makes each writer unique. By encouraging students to express themselves authentically, use descriptive language, and infuse their writing with emotion, we help them develop their own distinctive voice. 


Word Choice: Words are the building blocks of writing, and choosing the right ones can make all the difference. Teaching students to select vivid, precise, and powerful words helps them paint vivid pictures in the minds of their readers and make their writing come alive. 


Sentence Fluency: Good writing flows smoothly, like a gentle stream. By teaching students about sentence structure, varying sentence length and rhythm, and using transitions effectively, we help them create writing that is a pleasure to read aloud. 


Conventions: Conventions are the rules and mechanics that govern writing, such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling. While they may not be the most glamorous aspect of writing, they are essential for clarity and understanding. By teaching students to use conventions correctly, we help them communicate their ideas with precision and confidence. 


Each of these traits plays a vital role in the writing process, helping our students become confident, expressive, and effective communicators. By focusing on these traits in our teaching, we aim to empower our young writers to unleash their creativity and make their voices heard. 


Happy writing 

Tania Maxwell