Welcome To Our First OSHC News For 2024! 


We have eased into term with lots of ‘getting to know you’ activities with our new preps and many conversations with all our students about their holidays.


One of our Year 6 students, Madi, ran a few sessions on terrariums, and these have been growing in our OSHC room.   



We celebrated Shrove Tuesday and had delicious pancakes for breakfast.

A big thank you to those students and educators who have been working hard to fix up our garden which had started to look like a jungle- it’s definitely still a work in progress!


Exceeding the National Quality Standards


We are excited to announce that once again Beaumaris North OSHC has been rated as Exceeding the National Quality Standards under the National Quality Framework.


The National Quality Standard (NQS) sets a national benchmark for the quality of children’s education and care services across Australia. 


Services are assessed against the NQS by the state or territory regulatory authority and receive a rating for each of the seven quality areas of the NQS, as well as an overall rating. An overall rating of Exceeding NQS is given to services that go above and beyond the requirements of the NQS in at least four of the seven quality areas.


As shown in the graph below from the most recent NQF Snapshot data we are in the top 8% of OSHC services! 



To find out more information about the NQF and service ratings, visit the ACECQA website or ACECQA’s family focused website, Starting Blocks




Childcare Subsidy

If you have applied for the Childcare Subsidy and it is not showing on your statement, please check that you have provided OSHC with your Child’s CRN as well as the parent claiming the CCS CRN, please also ensure you have ‘Confirmed’ the enrolment in your MyGov account. Please email Kelly if you are still having issues.



Just a reminder statements are sent out on Monday’s showing attendance charges for the previous week. Please ensure payment is made within 1 week (unless you have negotiated a different schedule with Kelly) to avoid cancellations to your child OSHC bookings. 


Cooking Club

This term Cooking Club is run on Thursday afternoons. We have started the term off with a firm favourite here at OSHC – sushi!! The students enjoyed getting creative with filling combinations and used their skills to roll and cut them into masterpieces! 


The last few weeks have been all about pizza! We have been comparing store bought pizza bases vs making our own homemade pizza dough that needed to be kneaded and rolled until perfect! Students mixed, combined, rolled, shaped and built their ultimate pizza using all their favourite toppings! 


*No need to ‘book’ into Cooking Club, if your child would like to participate they will have the opportunity to join in on Thursday’s. 






As always, families are welcome to give us feedback about any aspect of the program. We welcome your input! Please feel free to come in and have a chat with Kelly or Amand or email Kelly   oshc@beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au