Year 6 News

The Year 6 students have taken ‘Action’ and will be reporting on different learning activities and events that occur in Year 6. 



So far, this term in Maths we’ve been focusing on prime and composite numbers. We learnt that a prime number is a number that can only be divided by 1 and itself and a composite number is a number that can be divided by more than 2 numbers. We also spent a couple of days focusing on triangular and squared numbers. We’ve been working on Challenging tasks and problem-solving strategies such as draw a diagram and make a table.  


By Joshua 


Inquiry and Literacy  

This Term in Literacy and Inquiry we’ve worked on: 

  • Speech Writing- Research Project about changes on our chosen topic that we would like to see made. 
  • We made wonderings about our unit of Inquiry- How we Express Ourselves 
  • Predict-o-gram (Jungle Drums) 
  • If I was Prime Minister Writing 
  • Book Predictions about our read to self-books 
  • We looked and reviewed inspiring speeches (Mark Bezos, Martin Luther King and Dylan Alcott). 
  • We wrote funny holiday stories 
  • We started online spelling activities 
  • We sorted out world leaders into their correct zones, e.g. Bad, good, politician. 


By Curtis, Oliver and Sebastian 


Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships 

In year 6 we have been learning about help seeking in wellbeing.  We have been thinking about the 5 people we can go to when we need help. 


The Zones of Regulation 

There are four zones, the red zone (angry), the yellow zone (silly), the blue zone (tired) and the green zone (happy). If we are having trouble coping, we can go look at our coping cupboards and do some strategies to help us calm down and get back into the green zone.  


By Grace, Ava & April