Careers Appointments
The Careers Office is located next to Student Services. The Careers Coordinators for 2024 are Tim Kogelman and Kerri Skewes.
Tim and Kerri are available to assist students to make informed decisions about career choices and choices for study.
Throughout the year, all students are seen individually or in groups regarding career information, subject choices and study skills. The following timeline details some of the career programs that students will take part in this year.
| TERM 1 | TERM 2 | TERM 3 | TERM 4 |
Year 7 |
Career Action Plans are adopted as part of the Community Time curriculum (completed last week of term) |
Careers Action Plans added to during Community Time |
Careers Action Plans added to during Community Time
Career Action Plans are added to during End of Year Program
My Career Exploration activities during Community Time which will explore students interests, skills, values and aspirations |
Year 8 |
Career Action Plans are adopted to be completed in groups (start of term 2)
My Career Exploration activities will be conducted in groups, which will explore students interests, skills, values and aspirations |
Career Action Plans are added to during Mid- Year during Code of Conduct sessions
My Career Exploration activities will be conducted in groups, which will explore students interests, skills, values and aspirations |
Career Action Plans are added to during Home Group
Career Action Plans are added to and educational and career goals are revisited during End of Year Program
Year 9 |
Career Action Plans are adopted to be completed in groups
All students will complete the Morrisby Online Career Assessment Tool (Week 11)
Year 9 into 10 Course Counselling individual meeting
Middle School Information Evening
Careers interview with an external Career Practitioner will have an individual meeting with each student, reflecting on the results from the Morrisby Assessment program (Week 7-8) |
Review of Educational and Pathway Goals in Career Action Plan
Year 10 |
Career Action Plans are adopted to be completed in groups
Negotiated Work Experience |
Career Counselling for all students in small groups.
Negotiated Work Experience
Mini Careers Expo Year 10 - 12 May 17 |
Year 10 into Year 11 individual Course Counselling
VCE/VCE VM Information Evening
VET Information Session
Negotiated Work Experience |
Review of Educational and Pathway Goals in Career Action Plan
Negotiated Work Experience |
Year 11 |
Individual Career Counselling for every student
Career Action Plans created/updated
Structured Workplace learning for VCE-VM and some VET students |
Individual counselling for every student
Mini Careers Expo Year 10 - 12 May 17
Structured Workplace learning for VCE-VM and some VET students |
VCE/VCE VM Information Evening VET Information Session
Structured Workplace learning for VCE-VM and some VET students |
Review of education and employability goals in Career Action Plan |
Year 12 |
Individual Career Counselling for every student
Career Action Plans created/updated |
Mini Careers Expo Year 10 - 12 May 17
Individual Career counselling when required |
How to apply – information session during IPT time
Apply for Uni/TAFE courses in August-September
Students can attend University Open Days during July/August
Individual Career counselling when required |
Review of education and employability goals in Career Action Plan
Change of preference interviews – mid-December
If you would like some advice on Career Pathways or training options please book an appointment with the Careers Office on 9735 5644.
School Leaving Age
From January 1 2010, the Government brought in new requirements for the school leaving age.
Before a student is allowed to leave school they must satisfactorily complete Year 10 and until the age of 17, they must be in some form of full time training or employment.
Training options can include:
- Full Time TAFE
- Apprenticeship
Any students wishing to leave school before these requirements are met must put in a request for exemption to the Regional Director in consultation with Lilydale High School.
All students leaving school before the end of Year 12 are required to fill in an exit form and complete a Careers appointment.
Leaving school or not attending school can result in non-payment of Centrelink benefits.
Work Experience
Students from Years 10 to 12 have the opportunity this year to undertake Work Experience to develop their awareness of appropriate attitudes and behaviour in real work environments, to explore employment and Career options, to develop contacts with potential employers and to observe the use made of skills taught in school subjects.
Work Experience at Lilydale High School can occur at any time within the school year for up to 5 school days or 10 days.
Students interested in completing Work Experience should speak to a Careers Practitioner who will inform them of necessary processes and forms required to complete Work Experience.
LHS Careers Website
The Lilydale High School Careers Website (available on the school website homepage under Careers) contains a large amount of information and should be your first stop when you are looking for information on anything job, Careers, university and TAFE related (and there is so much more). The site has a specific area where students can log into and complete skills and interest tests.
By the end of Term 1 all students will receive an email with log in instructions to access the student area of this site. It is here that they will be able to complete their Career Action Plan, which allows them to set education and employment goals and review their skills, interests and ambitions.
What can the Career Office assist you with?
Apprenticeships Information | Résumé Writing Skills |
Cadetships & Traineeships | SATs |
Career Expos | Scholarship Opportunities |
Careers Testing - Morrisby Profile | Subject Selection Counselling |
GAP Year Opportunities | TAFE Courses & Programs |
Individual Interviews | Tertiary Application Process - Interstate |
International Study | University Courses & Programs |
Interstate Universities | University Extension Studies |
Interview Skills | VCAA Information |
Open Days | VET in Schools |
Overseas Exchange Programs | VTAC Process |
Part-time & Casual Job Opportunities | Weekly Career News Updates |
Tax File Number (TFN)
Any student will need at tax file number when starting work (part-time and full-time) and all students planning on a tertiary education require one when they start.
Importantly, current Year 12 students are reminded that they cannot enrol in a CSP (Commonwealth Support Place) course at university without a Tax File Number, so it is worthwhile getting an application submitted early!
Students must apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. To apply and also to find out about participating Post Offices, visit TFN Application
Casual Employment
You can sign up for employment opportunities at the following websites:
- Boost Juice
- Bunnings
- Coles
- Cotton ON
- Donut King
- Hungry Jacks
- IGA Supermarkets
- Kmart
- McDonalds
- Myer
- Officeworks
- Red Rooster
- Sportsgirl
- Target
- Woolworths