2024 Production!
May 16 and 17
Have you ever felt like you’re on the outer? Like you expected to be the main character in your story but feel more like a supporting role? Well this year we’ve got a show that celebrates all the misfits!
VCE Theatre Studies are proud to announce our 2024 production of ‘Puffs, or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic’ by playwright Matt Cox.
We all know the story of a young wizard with a scar who attends a certain magic school for seven years. But this year we are examining the story from the perspective of those who seemingly mattered a little less, who didn’t always have the spotlight, the motley assortment of students from Hufflepuff!
So even if you’re a ‘Brave’ or a ‘Snake’ or a ‘Smart’ come along and have a fun evening with the ‘Puffs’, their common room is right next to the kitchen! And badgers! Badgers are great!
May 16 and 17 2024. Tickets ON SALE from the school website in coming weeks. Keep posted!
Johnathan Bleakley
Theatre Studies Teacher