Yr 10 Work Experience

This is a friendly reminder that work experience this year will take place:

Monday 24th - Friday 28th June 2024


In order to secure work experience you must complete the following and return to myself:

  • Planning Sheet, Additional arrangement form (found on the last page) if you need a copy of the booklet please see me.
  • It is imperative that you start researching and looking for viable work experience locations as soon as possible as, Reminder; student’s Planning Sheeting for work experience are due Last Week of Term 1.

If you are finding this difficult, please contact either the Careers Teams or Myself for assistance in the senior office or email workexperience@gisbornesc.vic.edu.au. This will be one of the best possible experiences you can have in the area that you are most passionate in.



Megan Penn

Senior School Administration

Work Experience Coordinator