Curriculum Programs
Physical Education
Curriculum Programs
Physical Education
The students have been busy learning about athletics so far this term. They have learnt about or increased their understanding of circular relay, sprints, hurdles, long jump, triple jump, shot put and discus. The dedication that the students have shown to improve their techniques has been very impressive, especially, baton changes for circular relay. A select group of students from the MLC and SLC will attend the SSV Springvale District Athletics at Duncan McKinnon Reserve in Murrumbeena on Friday 8th March.
Students have also been learning about how to warm up correctly and about their own personal fitness. Classes have participated in whole class and small group activities. It has been fantastic to see the manner and positive attitudes that have been displayed by our students.
The Senior Learning Centre has also been trialling which winter sport (AFL, soccer, netball or sofcrosse) they would like to participate in.
Mr Vincent Coad
Physicl Education
(Heights Campus)