Student Voice 

Student Voice : Heights Campus

It has been an amazing start to the year and only 5 weeks have passed. There has been a lot going on around all the learning centres. It is amazing to see that everyone is remembering to wear their hats outside and are being sunsmart. This term, there have been a lot of exciting events happening, including Foundation Family Fun Day, JLC health forum, Kitchen Garden Program and Athletics.


Friday the 8th of March is International Women's Day. On this day we spread awareness and teach others about women’s equality. We help advance women and organise fundraising programs for women. We salute to all the women!  


All the teachers were busy with the ‘Getting to Know You’ interviews. Everyone’s parents were friendly and received amazing feedback. We are sure that all parents are proud of their children and enjoyed meeting their child’s homegroup teacher.


Last week, the foundation students were enjoying their time on the fake grass and being entertained by a talented magician. They were also lucky enough to have a petting zoo come to our school. We were glad to see a lot of parents come along and participate in this amazing event! Here is what some of the Foundation students said;


Yashhanna said “I enjoyed family fun day because my family came!”

Jaivner said “I really enjoyed playing the parachute game!”


The JLC students have settled in really well and have made a lot of new friends. They got to experience the Health Forum which included three sessions. The three sessions were healthy eating, healthy mind and healthy body. The healthy eating session was all about nutritious food and looking at the healthy eating plate. The healthy mind included activities like mindfulness drawing and colouring. It was all about keeping ourselves mindful. During the healthy body session, students had a go at dancing. All the students were having a blast! 


The MLC have started their Multi Cultural Kitchen Garden program and are having a lot of fun. This week they made ‘rainbow fruit skewers’, which looked absolutely delicious. They have settled in really well and have made many new friends.


The SLC students are training hard for senior sports. They are mainly focusing on training for Athletics which is this Friday! Specific people have also participated in a ‘Soccer tournament’ and played against other schools. They have also experienced a high school talk which is getting the grade 6s ready for high school. 

Both grade 3’s and 5’s are preparing for NAPLAN which is in week 7. There is nothing to worry about because this is just for the government and school to see whether or not the students are achieving important literacy and numeracy goals.


Even though it has only been 5 weeks into 2024, we are having an amazing time in this school and the school leaders are enjoying their roles and are having fun running assembly. 

We hope students stay sunsmart and wear their hats outside. Please remember to apply sunscreen as well. We hope everyone is enjoying this year so far! Keep calm and stay positive!


                 Heights School Captains

Eling SOO
Eling SOO