Grade 3-6:

Place Value Towers
This week the students have continued working on their understanding of place value. Another great activity we did was making Place Value towers. The task required the students to build the tallest tower they could ideally with the least amount of blocks using the MAB blocks. Students had access to hundreds, tens and ones blocks. They had 20 minutes to complete the task. Some groups started off with a big rush and made so fantastic towers, however they got greedy and as their tower continued to rise and begun to wobble they kept building only to have their tower collapse and fall to their feet. The tallest tower in the 3/4 classroom was an impressive 88cm high! This belonged to Grace, Viraat, Seyon and Stephanie. Their tower was made up of nearly 5000 units.
3/4 RSPCA Excursion
On Wednesday 6th of March the Year 3/4 students were invited to an excursion at the RSPCA in Burwood. The students listened to a what the RSPCA stands for and what they do to help animals. Then we split into two groups.
Group 1 went down to the farm and met two rescued horses called Bonnie and Clyde. The students held out a ball for the horses and when the horses touched it with their nose they were able to give the horse a treat. They also got to feed the chickens!
The second group went up to the adoption centre and met lots of cats and rabbits that were up for adoption. We finished up by meeting a rescued dog as well and got to give him a pat. It was a great day out!
Some of the students shared their highlights below:
I really liked how they showed us the cats, some of them were really cute! The auditorium felt like a cinema and the presentation was really interesting to find out what the RSPCA do and what we can do to support the great work they do.
I liked seeing the bunnies and the cats. It was fun going down to the farm to meet Bonnie and Clyde the horses and to see how healthy they looked after being rescued by the RSPCA. We got to give them a treat if they touched the ball with their nose, it felt slimy when they licked our hand to get the treat. It was weird to touch the horses unkept hooves.
Term 1 Sport - Year 5/6
This term the Year 5/6's had sport at Mulgrave PS. The students did a great job and had some great results across the day picking up several wins! Most importantly they demonstrated great sportsmanship and teamwork! Below are some reports from each team on their day!
Our hearts were racing in anticipation, we had to think quickly on our feet. The opposing teams from the Wellington District were astonishing but we were just as good. So we smashed the ball against the racket and we were able to gain a couple more points. We didn’t win we were still really proud of ourselves. We played as fairly as we could, it’s the experience that counts. We all tried our best and we managed to push through, even though we may have not succeeded in gaining the most wins and points.
As we hopped off the bus, we could feel the eyes of our opponents staring us down. We got straight into practising and before we knew it we were playing our first game. Maddie then served a powerful ball that made our opposition flinch. The ball bounced on the wooden floor as we all screamed in excitement. We had just scored the first point for the day. When they served Emily M leapt to catch the ball. She catches it. Then sets it up while Shannon smacked the ball. The four games that followed were a blast and the best part was the results in our games reflected our willingness to have a go and work as a team. The last game we unfortunately lost, that made us realise we have some things to work on. On the way back to school we laughed and sang to Taylor Swift.
Boys volleyball:
We jumped off the bus with our hearts racing. Listening to the excitement in everyone’s voice you could tell we were all pumped for the day. As we went to our first match, a bolt of courage rushed through us. We won 3 games, full of joy and working so well as a team. We did lose one game that showed us we have some things to still work on. But on our court success gave us an extra boost of encouragement and it gave us the opportunity to learn how to work as a team. At the end of the day, we were all exhausted. We all did our best and went back to school full of pride and joy.
Tee Ball:
On Thursday the 29th of February the 5/6s participated in Tee Ball. It was loud and noisy on the minibus, everybody feeling excited and talking over each other. We arrived at Gladeswood Park, everybody bustling to get their bags and the equipment, trying to get off the bus. We walked on the pathway to the board to see who we were playing against first and it was St Justins. We had a great start to the day by winning that game. We didn't get as lucky on the other three, though. Finally, our last game! Us fielding first. We stood in the field as the sun was burning our backs. Each person from the other team having a turn at batting, two of their players helping us field. Finally, after our turn batting, we had won! We ran as fast as we could to go chug some water down, we were VERY thirsty. After 10 minutes of waiting for the bus to arrive, it finally came. We hopped on and suddenly a Taylor Swift song came on… we all started vibing and singing along to all the music. We got back to school and made our way back into the classroom, our journey had ended.