P&C News

Our Mission Statement

We work alongside the school to support improved outcomes 

for all students.  We fundraise throughout the year to ensure our 

students, teachers and school have access to the most up to date 

resources and equipment.  We support our local community and 

families and uphold the positive image of Werris Creek Public School.

P&C Annual General Meeting

Thank you to all who attended the P&C Annual General Meeting that was held last Tuesday night.  It was great to see some new faces and we welcome you.

Our P&C Committee was elected, and they are:

James Galbraith - President

Trudie Arnold - Vice President

Barb Woods - Secretary

Kim Reynolds - Treasurer

Vacant Position - Fundraising Co-Ordinator

Vacant Position - Canteen Co-Ordinator


We still have the position of Fundraising Co-Ordinator and Canteen Co-Ordinator open as these were not filled at the meeting.  If you are interested in holding one of these positions and would like to nominate, please contact Barb Woods at the School Office on 6768 7065.  All nominations must be supplied to Barb Woods by Monday 26th February for voting at the next meeting.


P&C General Meeting

Our next General Meeting will be held on Monday 4th March at 6:00 pm at the Werris Creek Sports Club All welcome to attend.