Diary dates
Save these dates in your diaries .... while every effort is made to stick to these dates, they can be subject to change for reasons out of our control.
Please continue to check dates here and through your Sentral portal.
Diary dates
Save these dates in your diaries .... while every effort is made to stick to these dates, they can be subject to change for reasons out of our control.
Please continue to check dates here and through your Sentral portal.
Friday 1st March - Years 5 and 6 District Athletics 9am
- Newsletter published
Monday 4th March - School Clean Up Day
- Free Dress Day (School values celebration!)
Tuesday 5th March - Somers Camp leaves today (selected students only)
Wednesday 6th March - District Swimming (selected students only)
Thursday 7th March - Years 3 and 4 District Athletics 9am
Friday 8th March - International Women's Day
Monday 11th March - Labour Day Public Holiday ( no students to attend school on this day)
Wednesday 13th March - NAPLAN testing starts today
- Elite Athletics (selected students)
- School Council Induction for new members 6pm
Thursday 14th March - Year 4 Incursion Terra Australis Oi Oi Oi
Friday 15th March - Assembly 2:45pm JSC Harmony Week
- Newsletter published
Monday 18th March - Harmony Week
Tuesday 19th March - District Tennis Trials
Thursday 21st March - Year 6 Lilydale High Sport day
Friday 22nd March - Regional swimming (selected students only)
Thursday 28th March - LAST DAY OF TERM 1, 2:30pm dismissal
At Bimbadeen ‘Lost Property’ is located at the Library.
The current week’s items are kept in a labelled tub outside the library entrance. We encourage students to be responsible and look for their own mislaid items throughout the week.
Any named items which were added during the previous week, and not yet collected, are checked for names, and delivered to students on Monday mornings.
Un-named, non-current and indecipherably named items are noted and transferred to the ‘Lost Property’ cupboard - which is inside the foyer of the library. We have many items on our shelves just waiting for someone to come and find them, including assorted clothing, drink bottles, coats and umbrellas!
Items that have been held for two terms without collection are transferred to our second-hand uniform.
Bimbadeen’s Student Dress Code policy states that uniforms must be clearly marked with the owner’s name, in good repair, and clean. When doing your washing we ask that you check items your child wears or brings to school for names and that they are legible – updating/naming if needed. This will ensure that if items do get left behind, we can get them back home safely.
If there is something you know your child has lost at school, please remember to have a look to see if it has been handed in - students and parents are welcome to visit at any time.
Sentral is the best way to communicate to you what is happening at the school. Please remember to log in and turn on your notifications to receive reminders, notices and this newsletter!
You must log back into Sentral at the end of each term and the end of the year, as Sentral will not automatically roll over to a new term.