Sport Report

2024 Sport Leaders - School Sport Captains 

Sam Fangatua and Jasmine Kilmartin






Senior School CaptainsIsla Webber

Steven Chong

Jasmine Kilmartin

Sam FangatuaChloe Graham
Senior School Vice CaptainsSkye CarterFaith TannerTarneisha BrunMonica Ajak
Middle School Captains 

Scott Sene


Epi Ah Ching


Emily Graham

Student successes

If any student has a success of particular importance at an elevated level in ANY sport, could the parents send Mr Darcy the details so we can promote this success and keep a record for consideration for end of year awards. Students are not very dependable or forthcoming with specific details.


Entries and Trainings

Students will be able to sign up to be considered for team selections on a Compass post that has been activated. This gives us an indication whether we have the interested numbers to enter a team. If students fail to sign up, then we must assume that there is little interest, and that team will not be entered. Look for the training Compass post send out on a Friday or each weekend.

Trainings will occur on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays afterschool 3.15-4.15. 


Houses Allocation

All students have been entered into a House. We have a focus on maintaining House family history so that all direct family members are in the same house. This can be complicated a little bit with blended families and a variety of other reasons. If any family would prefer their student to be in a different house, we are open to change in support of family history. Other reasons for a negotiated change do exist and can be looked at. 



If your family qualify for the Camps and Excursions fund (CSEF) provided by the Govt. you need to collect a form from the General Office. This helps you pay for all camps and excursions, but it must be registered by June. 


General Sport Excursion Reminders

  • All consent forms must be returned like every other excursion to the front office WITH the payment by the due date on the form.
  • No student will be allowed to bring the consent form on the day and/or bring the money on the day.
  • No CONSENT form - No MONEY – not returned by DUE date = No GO = get left behind = unhappy team and coach
  • If your family qualify for the Camps and Excursions fund provided by the Govt. you need to collect a form from the General Office. This helps you pay for all camps and excursions, but it must be registered by June. You can only access the fund after your form has been processed.

Melton SC Sport Facebook page

We have a Facebook page dedicated to our Interschool Sport and the Athlete Development Program (ADP) participants. Please have a look and ‘like” us to keep up to date with the many outstanding achievements by our students in sport. The page name is - Melton Secondary College - Sport/Sport Enhancement



  1. School Sport Information

All information regarding School Sport information and State team selection trials can be found on the website –,

Students attending schools affiliated with SSV are eligible for selection in Victorian Teams to compete in 2024 School Sport Australia National Championships. Registrations Now Open for the following sports; Australian Football 12 Years and Under Australian Football 15 Years and Under Girls Baseball 17 Years and Under Basketball 12 Years and Under Boys and Girls Netball 12 Years and Under Football (Soccer) 12 Years and Under Boys and Girls Tennis 18 Years and Under Boys and Girls (Pizzey Cup)Touch Football 12 Years and Under Touch Football 15 Years and Under Volleyball 15 Years and Under Boys and Girls


Sport Dates

  • Monday Feb 19 – Swimming – House competition at the Waves
  • Monday March 4 – Senior Lawn Bowls – Region level in Werribee
  • Wednesday March 6 – Swimming - Western Ranges Division at the Waves
  • Friday March 8 – Tennis – all levels – (probably no entry)
  • Thursday March 14 – Volleyball – Senior girls and boys
  • Monday March 18 – Volleyball – Intermediate girls and boys 
  • Wednesday March 27 – Swimming Western Region in Geelong 

Term 2 

Friday April 19 - School Sport Victoria State swimming finals

Tuesday April 23 - House Athletics Sports at Cobblebank