A note from the Principal

Hello everyone
I hope you enjoy this edition of ‘Healesville High Connections’.
The first term of this year has been as busy, as productive, and as successful as we could possibly have hoped. The ‘Connections’ newsletter allows us to share, through positive reports and stories, the highlights of school life over the past two months.
This edition includes reports written by numerous staff members on school events from those two months and the sheer number of reports and events highlight just how busy life is at school level.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank and commend our students for their willingness to embrace the opportunities on offer. School life provides so many experiences and it is pleasing to see our students taking full advantage of these opportunities.
In this edition you will read about the Year 9 electives program, classroom achievements in Humanities, Science, Art and Technology and Physical Education, the Student Leadership camp, an Outdoor Education camp to Wilson’s Promontory, the exciting Instrumental Music trip to Western Australia, Year 7 transition activities, the recommencement of the ‘Sit Together and Read’ program, the swimming carnival, careers events and much more. School life is challenging, rewarding, exciting and diverse, and made all the more rewarding for teachers and support staff when we see students enthusiastically engaging in these events!
I remain hugely grateful to the staff members of Healesville High School. Without your dedication and willingness to work far beyond your job description these extra experiences would not be possible.
Thank you to each of the contributors to this edition.
Parent/teacher/student interviews
May I take this opportunity to remind you about the parent/teacher/student interviews scheduled to take place in-person on Wednesday March 27 between 3.40pm and 8.00pm and on-line on Thursday March 28 between 10.00am and 2.30pm.
A reminder also that no classes will be held on Thursday March 28.
Year 7 camp
Year 7 students will be on camp from Monday April 22 to Wednesday April 24 and parents and students should note that on Friday April 26 no classes will be held for Year 7 students. This will allow our Year 7 students (and their teachers!) to fully recover from the excitement of the camp prior to returning to normal classes on Monday April 29.
Term Break
Best wishes to each of you for the upcoming holiday period. As always, thank you sincerely for the goodwill, support, and care shown by so many members of our school community.
Kind regards
Allan Rennick