Faith Life & Learning and Teaching News

Curriculum Updates in English, Mathematics, Faith, Discovery & Inquiry


Mary MacKillop Leaders


Our Mary MacKillop Leaders of 2024 have met and started to generate ideas on how they can walk in the footsteps of Mary MacKillop.  Just like Mary, they too ‘never see a need without doing something about it’ and have already identified that the school yard needs to be litter free.  They are taking actions such as creating posters and collaborating with their classes in finding ways in which we can eliminate litter!




Sacred Heart  will be celebrating Harmony Day on Thursday 21st March.

The theme for Harmony Day this year is ‘Our Shared Stories: Celebrating Together.’


In preparation for this special day, we ask that you please share your family stories with your children. You might share stories using photos/maps/talking to grandparents etc.  Stories may about:

  • migration
  • culture
  • tradition
  • celebrations

During Week 7, your children will then share and represent their family story through a creative medium in class.  Students will then share this artwork during our Harmony Day celebrations.  We invite you to our  Harmony Day Parade at 9am and Classroom visit at 9:20am.  


Students will be invited to dress in their cultural costumes/colours or the colour orange which represents harmony.


Thank you for your support.



Cath Palmer

Learning and Teaching Leader

Faith Life Leader


Year 3 and 5 students will successfully completed an online practice test this week.   We are ready for NAPLAN next Wednesday 13th March.


Sacred Heart NAPLAN Schedule


Learning At Home

When students complete homework it is important that they are practising concepts that have been taught in the classroom, so they have prior knowledge when completing these tasks at home. Here are some ideas for how students can continue practising and learning mathematics at home.



Students can complete activities on Sunset Maths and My Numeracy on this program. These programs can be found on the Essential Assessment platform. Students can log in from home using their username and password.


WEBSITES to support learning in mathematics:




Looking for WORKSHEETS to assist with practising multiplication

Hope these resources are useful.


Kim Dalmau

Mathematics Leader