Sowing the SEADs of Success

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing & Engagement
The College values student attendance at school for engaging on-campus learning. Notably students have 115 days (16.4 weeks) approved holidays and public holidays throughout the year. Consistent attendance is an important factor in student engagement, performance, and success. Please note ALL leave from school requires approval from the principal, Ms Kylie McCullah by emailing
Family holidays during the school term are deemed unapproved absence.
Punctuality matters
Week 3 Valentines/Galentines day – 14 February
What is Galentines day?
Galentine's Day is a day that celebrates women's friendship. Galentine's Day celebrates mutual empowerment and a reminder for women to support and uplift one another.
Students were reminded to “F.L.Y.” on Galentines Day = First Love Yourself.
Friendships and Wellbeing
As your daughter enters the teenage years, friends will become more important. Positive, accepting and supportive friendships are an important part of the journey to adulthood for your daughter. Click on the link below to learn about:
- Why teenage friendships are important
- Helping your daughter build friendship skills
- Helping teenagers who find it hard to make friends
- Understanding the balance between friends and parents
- What teenage friendships look like
Friendships are an important part of a girl’s life and can have a positive impact on the girl’s sense of wellbeing and belonging. At the same time, friendships can also raise age-appropriate challenges that the girl may need to resolve as she develops her friendship skills. Sometimes a girl may feel excluded from a friendship group in one form or another, may like to change groups or experience a difference of opinion with girls in the group.
For difficulties being experienced by your daughter, it will be important for your daughter to feel equipped to build her friendship toolkit in order to manage the more challenging elements of friendships. For many parents’ the sign that your daughter is experiencing some difficulty with her friendships may be due to a change in mood at home and/or at school.
Please visit the SEAD tile for Parents for more information and resources.
Loreto Connect - Adolescent Girls
Building Resilience for Growth and Change: SEAD VALUE – LEARNING
- Year 7 and 8 Exploring my strengths as a learner
- Year 9 and 10 Becoming an autonomous learner
- Year 11 and 12 Demonstrating independence in my learning
Glen Gerreyn (motivational speaker) explores the concept of comfort and discomfort and challenges students to move out of their comfort zones. He explains why it’s important to stop making things easy on yourself if you want to evolve.
“The thing about discomfort is that it triggers growth and change. It’s when you push yourself outside your comfort zone that you learn new skills and find out what you’re really capable of. When life becomes an obstacle-free playground, we miss out on the crucial lessons that discomfort offers. Discomfort is not simply an annoyance; it’s a catalyst for change; a nudge that pushes us". Read full article below:
The Power of Discomfort: The HopeFULL Institute
Looking ahead Week 5, 6 and 7
Week 5: R-12 Athletics Day 1 March
Don’t forget to book a seat on the bus by 28 February via the Humanitix link below.
Consent forms and information about the day regarding the upcoming Loreto College Athletics Carnival were emailed on Monday 19 February. Unfortunately, some links seem to be affected and may not have worked through the Edforms platform. Please see below for correct links. Parents will still need to use the original Consent Form to give permission for your daughter to attend the Carnival. Attendance is compulsory.
Bus bookings:
Notification of absence (with medical certificate) on the day of the carnival:
Thanks in advance to Ms Braddock (Leader of Leader of Health and PE Year 7-12) and PE Team who coordinate this annual. In addition, thank you to our Senior House and Sports Captains, Year 12 House Captains and Executive Leaders who have come up with the below themes:
- Phoebe Neck – Barry House – Barry Life in the Dreamhouse
- Emily Dagas – McGrath – McCredibles
- Siena Coscia – Mulhall – Matildas
- Ava Desteno – Ward - Mamma Mia!
Week 6 - International Women’s Day 8 March
2024 UN Theme: "Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”
International Women’s Day 2024: ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress’ | UN Women – Headquarters
Looking ahead
- Year 12 Chapel Mass 8.15am – 5 March Tuesday
- Mary Ward Connect for Year 10 5-8 March
- Adelaide Cup Public Holiday – 11 March Monday
- NAPLAN – Week 7
- Head of the River - 16 March Saturday
Second Hand Uniform Pop-Up shop will be open for the last time this term.
Monday 8am – 11am: The Square, Week 11, 8 April
Eftpos available.
Ms Emma Searle
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement
Psychological and Health Services
Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher year level or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents. It means your children are growing up!
However, transitioning is an ongoing process. It can continue long after students have entered their new environment and may encounter difficulties at a number of different stages. These stressors may appear as anxiety and frustration and result in challenging behaviours. Such behaviours can become problematic making the transitioning process even more difficult for children and parents.
School TV has an edition on School Transitions. Parents will learn practical strategies to assist your child during the transition process and reduce stress and anxiety levels.
As always, if you have any specific concerns about your child or young person, please contact your daughter’s Classroom Teacher, or Assistant Principal: Head of Junior School in the Junior School, or the relevant Leader of Student Wellbeing and Academic Care, or Mentor/Subject Teacher in the Senior School.
Monica Bignold
Leader of Psychological and Health Services
Boarding Life
Roses were in full bloom at the Boarding House this Valentine's Day, as each Boarder was greeted with a heartfelt surprise upon returning home from school: a single red rose. The sheer delight that lit up every face upon receiving this simple yet meaningful gift was truly priceless. As the evening unfolded, it was heart-warming to witness the roses proudly displayed in each room.
The introduction of our brand new boarding kitchen has sparked a flurry of activity among our Boarders, who have eagerly embraced the opportunity to explore their culinary skills and indulge their sweet tooth. Throughout the weekends, the kitchen has become a bustling hub of creativity. This addition has proven to be a wonderful asset, providing our Boarders with a dedicated space where they can unleash their culinary imagination and whip up an array of delicious treats. From cookies to cakes and everything in between, the possibilities are endless. It's truly a joy to see our Boarders making the most of this new facility.
Mrs Tia Wiese
Director of Boarding
Celebrating Chinese New Year
In Week 2, we celebrated Chinese New Year’s Eve across the ELC, Junior and Senior Schools with an array of activities. In our Early Learning Centre, our children wore clothes adorned with the colours of red and gold. In line with this year being the Year of the Dragon, the ELC children were encouraged to wear clothing with dragon patterns and engaged in rich learning experiences and cultural performances, helping them to learn about and appreciate the traditions of Chinese New Year.
Our Junior students were able to participate in drawing and art activities in the library as well as a fun chopsticks game which allowed them to test their skills in using them under time pressure!
Our Chinese Students in the Senior School put on a wonderful display in the quad at lunchtime, which was led by our Diversity Leader, Year 12 Student, Yan. Girls were able to practice their Chinese speaking, learning to write Chinese language characters and got a taste of some sweet traditional treats.
We wish everyone in our community who celebrates this occasion a wonderful Chinese New Year.
Health Care Centre Notices
A friendly reminder regarding illness at the College:
There are a number of people within our community with serious medical conditions that we should be mindful of. If your child or young person has or is suspected of having an illness, it is very important that they do not attend school. They must remain at home until they are no longer contagious. Thank you for helping to support the wellbeing of everyone in our community.
College Nurse