Year Six

Dear Year Six Families,
Students of Year Six have successfully completed their First 20 Days journey these past four weeks. During this time, they began their first Unit of Inquiry under the Transdisciplinary Theme of 'Who We Are' with the central idea, 'Transitions in life shape who we are.'
Reading and Writing
During Reading and Writing, students are beginning to explore a range of poetry, identifying the various elements they contain. Students have completed an analysis of what they already know about poetry and the different poetic devices used to form and write poems. This week, students investigated different types of figurative language and focused mainly on alliteration and rhyme in poetry.
Throughout Mathematics, students are beginning their studies on Number and Place Value. Students completed a pre-assessment on Essential Assessment and received goals in their My Numeracy. This week, students have focused on partitioning, renaming, and regrouping numbers up to and beyond tens of thousands. This has assisted them in their problem-solving techniques with the four operations with some students using the split strategy or vertical algorithm to solve different problems.
Students have continued to investigate the line of inquiry into the changes to our brains and bodies during puberty. Students were excited and surprised to learn the type of learner they are through a survey that depicted whether they are a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners. Students created posters about ways to keep healthy by looking into eating, exercise, hygiene, and sleeping habits. They are continuing to explore the different parts of the brain and the changes and development during puberty.
Swim Captains
The Year Six team would like to extend a heartfelt congratulations to the successful Swim Captains of 2024
- Captain - Sarisha 6C
- Captain - Aser 6C
- Vice Captain - Tanya 6A
- Vice Captain - Cyrus 6B
- Beach Program
Begins Week 6 Friday 8th March. Please be sure to fill in the form and payment via Xuno. If students are not attending, they will be sent to a different class and complete an online course. Please be aware that this is part of the curriculum and students will benefit from attending. - Year 6 Polo Shirts
Payment and forms are due Week 6 Monday 4th March. Please be sure to fill in forms and complete payment via Xuno. - Academic Uniform
Students are to wear full academic uniform on non-sport/PE days. 6A, 6B, 6C have PE on Fridays and 6D, 6E, 6F have PE on Wednesdays. Students may wear sports uniforms on days for training in interschool sports and cross country. Once students receive their polo shirts, they may wear them any day of the week. - Hair and Jewellery
Students with long hair past their shoulders must have it tied back. Students are unable to wear jewellery unless, for religious reasons, stud earrings are acceptable. - Mobile Phones and Smart Watches
Students are unable to keep their phones during school hours. They are to be handed in and switched off to their classroom teacher when arriving at school. They will get their phones back at the end of the day. Smartwatches are not permitted at school. - Hats
Students must wear a bucket hat when outside for Term 1. If they do not have a hat, they will be directed to the shaded area at recess and lunch. This is a department rule. - MacBooks
As per the ICT agreement all students have signed, students are to bring their MacBooks to school every day fully charged. Unfortunately, the school cannot allow students to charge their devices at school.
Kindest Regards,
Year Six Team