Year Two

Dear Year Two Community,
The Year Two students have successfully completed their First 20 Days Program. During this time, we have commenced our first unit of inquiry 'How We Express Ourselves' following our central idea 'People express important events through celebrations and traditions'.
In Reading, students practised their independent reading skills based on their reading interests and learnt how to find a just right text. Students learnt that print and illustrations convey a message, as well as the difference between words and letters.
Teachers have been conferencing with individual students in order to find out what books they enjoy reading and discover new reading goals.
In Writing, students have begun a unit on procedural writing. Students have begun identifying the features and structure of procedural texts, which are texts that instruct - such as recipes, board game instructions and how-to guides.
Students have also been utilising their Writer's Notebooks regularly. They are developing their brainstorming skills and learning how to translate their ideas from their mind to the page! In the photo below, 2H went out into the yard and used their five senses to stimulate ideas.
In Numeracy, students have begun to explore the concept of Shape. Students this week worked on creating a monster out of the 2D shapes they know.
Students have also been completing Essential Assessment tests, which help teachers understand what students already know and what they still need to learn. This helps us plan lessons that are pitched at the right level and are engaging and challenging for students.
In Inquiry, we had an amazing time at our first provocation day! Each class rotated around to spend time with all of the teachers on their timetable. During each session, they explored different cultural celebrations and special events, such as Christmas, Valentine's Day, the Day of the Dead and the Olympics. This sparked students' curiosity and engaged them in our first Unit of Inquiry.
Students have then continued to explore different celebrations from a variety of cultures around the world through guided inquiry and exposure to different mentor tex
Homework has already started in Year Two. Homework will be handed out every Monday and should be handed back to the teacher by Friday. Homework is a reflection of their prior learning and is an activity students can access independently as a way of showcasing to parents their current learning. Students work will be either ticked or stamped to acknowledge the continued learning efforts of the child.
Story Dogs
We would like to welcome back story dogs in Year Two! Story dogs is a literacy program a that helps children across Australia learn to read. A reading session is approximately 20 minutes long, where a select child is one-on-one with the dog team. Books are chosen to suit the student's reading level. During the session, the handler often speaks through the dog, such as; “Sam doesn't understand what is happening on this page, could you help him out?” The child becomes the teacher as they help the dog understand, and their confidence soars. If you have any books at home that you are able to donate we would appreciate them.
• In Term Two, it is required that all students wear their hats during recess and lunch. We kindly remind students to remember to pack their hats each day.
• Please ensure iPads are sent to school fully charged each day.
• Take Home Readers need to be brought into school every day.
• Water Bottles need to be brought to school each day with fresh water.
• Late arrivals (8:40am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
• If you child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered onto XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.
• Swimming will be starting April 16th to April 26th. Please check on XUNO for payment and approval. Payment cut off is March 22nd.
Kind regards,
The Year Two Team.