Vice Principal & Wellbeing

with Mrs Naomi Corfield

Dear St Mary's community,


I look forward to stepping into the Acting Principal role for the next three weeks and would like to remind you of my email address

Please contact me via email or by phoning the school anytime if you have any concerns or questions. I will also be available before or after school daily and look forward to seeing you around the school.


We wish Mrs E and her family all the best as they enjoy the wedding celebrations and look forward to hearing all about it upon her return.


St Mary's Positive Behaviour Approach

Positive behaviour and embedding routines in the classroom have been a major focus as we have settled into the term. It is wonderful to see the students across the school respond to the Positive Behaviour Approach and develop their sense of awareness of themselves as learners, individually and as a group. Self-awareness is pivotal for the building of wellbeing and in particular the building of resilience.


Maintaining high expectations regarding behaviour is an integral aspect of holistic education and helps to ensure that our students develop a sense of respect for themselves and others. All students are taught to be responsible for how they act and how they regulate themselves. Every classroom is equipped with a Take a Break space where students are directed when they are feeling dysregulated or overwhelmed. Students are encouraged to independently use their mind master thinking and positive self talk to flip their thinking so they can return to learning.