
Wellbeing has had a busy start to the year. We saw the beginning of our first wellbeing support group facilitated by Rachael, our Mental Health Practitioner which focused on managing anxiety, this group will continue for the first few weeks of term 2.
We also celebrated International Women’s Day
where staff and students had an opportunity to reflect on the women in their lives that they are grateful for.
Last week the school acknowledged Harmony Day and the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Some of our students interviewed family members who had migrated to Australia and asked for their perspectives on racism in Australia. This was shared by students at a school assembly alongside tips for how we can all address racism when we see it.
We have been making the most of our new wellbeing space in which we were lucky to have Officeworks in Epping donate lots of amazing resources for us to utilise.
Term 2 will see the beginning of the ‘Tuning into Teens’ program also facilitated by Rachael. This will allow parents and caregivers the opportunity to increase connection with their children by improving emotional communication within the family.
If any caregivers would like to speak with the wellbeing team they are reminded to contact us through the email wellbeing@peterlalor.vic.edu.au
Tuning in to Teens
Emotionally Intelligent Parenting
A six-session parenting program for parents of adolescents aged 15-18
Would you like to learn how to:
- be better at talking with your teen?
- be better at understanding your teen?
- help your teen learn to manage their emotions?
- help to prevent behaviour problems in your teen?
- teach your teen to deal with conflict?
Tuning in to Teensä shows you how to help your teen develop emotional intelligence. Adolescents with higher emotional intelligence:
- are more aware, assertive and strong in situations of peer pressure
- have greater success with making friends and are more able to manage conflict with peers
- are more able to cope when upset or angry
- have fewer mental health and substance abuse difficulties
- have more stable and satisfying relationships as adults
- have greater career success ñ Emotional intelligence may be a better predictor of academic and career success than IQ!
Where: Peter Lalor Secondary College
Food and tea / coffee provided
When: Tuesdays 5pm – 7pm starting
14th M ay and running for 6 weeks
(until 18th June).
Contact: Rachael Millsom