Student Wellbeing and Engagement

Paul Meager - Assistant Principal

This term, although short, has been an exciting and busy one at PLSC. We have welcomed over 60 new students into the school and they have settled into PLSC life with ease. The classrooms and school yard has been busier than previous years but it has been great to see the way that students have respected our school environment and our staff throughout the term.


We have a strong focus on encouraging positive attendance for our students. It has been pleasing to see that throughout Term 1 our overall attendance rates have been outstanding. We thank students and their families for their commitment to supporting their education at PLSC.


On 27th February, Alan from the Pat Cronin foundation delivered an engaging and thought provoking presentation to the whole school through their ‘Be Wise’ campaign. This provided an optimistic voice and empowering approach to awareness, education and research about social violence among young people. Students were actively engaged during the presentation with everyone listening intently to Alan’s story and messages against violence.

At our end of term assembly, the 2024 Student Leadership team was announced to our school community.  Congratulations to the following students:

  • YEAR 10: Madison Brannan-Medcraft, Emma Currie, Marlee Parnis, 
  • YEAR 11: Cooper Carter, Laoura Kavanos
  • YEAR 12: Claudia Mitidieri, Adem Reshitovski, Leitisha Whiteside 
  • WELLBEING LEADERS: Elissa Dimoski, Aaliyah Fernandez, Milly Taylor-Banks

I look forward to working with the team during the year to help develop their leadership capabilities and implement positive contributions to the PLSC community.

The end of this term will see our beloved Wellbeing Counsellor Olivia Zoch finish up at PLSC. 


We thank Olivia for her tireless efforts to supporting our students’ wellbeing during her time here at PLSC and we wish her all the best with her new position at YSAS.


I would like to take the time to thank you all for your efforts this term and wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday break. 


See you in Term 2!