Princpal's Report

Jason Bek - Principal

The end of this term has crept up on us. It’s been a great term where staff and students have worked together to achieve some great things, including our recent harmony day celebrations, camps and excursions to the F1 on Thursday the 21st. There are many examples of student achievement at PLSC but the most important things is the way that staff and students treat one and another everyday.  There is a real culture building of mutual respect and care for others. 

As I said in my 2023 blurb, it is a pleasure to come to work every day, the staff and students are our greatest asset at PLSC and we are very proud of what they have achieved together at the half way mark in 2024.



You will receive your reports via compass if you have not already and I hope you have taken the opportunity to join us at the three way conferences earlier in the year.  Please read the comments carefully and take note of the areas for improvement.  We really want to build that partnership with you. 


With the upcoming cold and flu season upon us and Covid still with us, the school wants to let parents, staff and students know what we are doing to keep everyone safe.

  • We will make Covid testing kits available to all staff and students upon request – Please see Jo at the SEW Office – we have already offered them to staff and students today and many have taken boxes of tests home with them!
  • We will also make masks available to staff and students also available at the SEW office
  • We will keep an eye on things like hand sanitizer and tissues, we are mindful that hygiene is an important way to stop contamination.

 Please instruct any students who feel unwell to stay at home.


Buildings updates

We are hopeful without being over confident that we are a chance to get funding in the May budget to complete stage two.  We, like many other schools waiting in line around the state, would like to get on with finishing the school. Other than this, from here it’s just a matter of getting some grass on the dirt now at the front of the school.


Rewarding good behaviours 

This year our focus has been on improving our attendance. To support this, we have introduced the AAA+ awards. 

This stands for Attitude, Attendance and Achievement, we present tasty truck vouchers weekly and larger prizes at the end of the term for those students who attend regularly, do their work and do their best at all times.

In term 1, the student leadership team are actually going to lead the assembly to present these awards with Paul and the SEW team.


I hope all of our students have a great break and I will see them all back after the holidays refreshed and ready to go!