Happy Hearted 3/4H

In our room, learning is inevitable.

A Big Welcome to our 3/4H Students and Families

The students of 3/4H have had a busy time becoming familiar with the routines and expectations of the middle school. We have had some fun along the way, and have started our curriculum learning journey with our Maths, Reading, Writing and RE lessons well under way. The past two weeks have also involved a 'Resilience Excursion', afternoon assemblies, a wet day indoor break time, hot sunny weather, new specialist timetables, an Ash Wednesday paraliturgy, pancake eating and an incredible storm. With each day we come to know each other a little more.

Here's a snapshot of 3/4H school life so far.............


Our Written Work ......

Collaborative Learning ......

Indoor Lunch Times .................

Special Events ........

Having a mind habit of 'Being Persistent' .......

And ...... thoroughly enjoying school!