Principal Post

Dear Families,
This week we have been blessed with beautiful weather. It has been a hub of activity at SJV this week. We began all our lunchtime clubs. An exciting adventure. The Resilience Project in our classrooms. Thank you to all the families that attended the night time session at Monash University last Thursday. Martin Heppell shared many insights into mental health amongst children in Australia and gave clear strategies on the struggles and strategies that families may have. Further information will be shared through our student wellbeing page.
Teaching Impact Maths PL workshops…
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week some members of our school participated in the Teaching Impact Maths program. This is an initiative from MACS and focuses upon our teaching of Maths initially in the junior school. Maths is an area of high priority within our school.
This week our Junior’s start Teaching for Impact in Mathematics Series (TIM). This program will continue throughout the year and will support our whole school approach to explicit teaching. Thanks to Emma May -Numeracy Leader for organising this opportunity.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
This week our PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) consultant Jack Mather came to work with our teaching staff on determining a shortlist of values to help inform the development of the school’s PBL Matrix.
This process will continue over the rest of term 1 and Term 2.
We are still continuing to assess our junior students and analyse data to ensure each students needs are understood. At SJV we explicitly teach and use data to drive our teaching. During 'Meet and Greet' interviews on the 5th and 6th of March you will be able to find out more about your child. Interview slots of 10min will be sent to you shortly.
Meet & Greet Interviews
On Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th of March we will be holding Meet & Greet Interviews for all teachers and families. The purpose of the Meet & Greet Interviews is to provide an opportunity for parents to meet with the class teacher of their child to share information about their child and for the class teacher to provide feedback on the beginning of year assessments. Each Meet and Greet Interview will be 10 minutes and will be conducted within the child’s classroom. Parents will be able to book an interview time with their child’s class teacher via our online booking system. Please note that all students will have an early dismissal on Tuesday 5th of March, the school day will conclude at 1pm.
Meet and Greet Dates & Times:
Tuesday 5th March 1:00pm - 7:00pm
Wednesday 8th March 3:30pm - 6:00pm
SRC Students
During Assembly this week we welcomed our new Student Council Representatives (Year 1-6) who will represent the whole school student community. Congratulations to these students. Student voice is linked closely to academic success. At SJV we believe students should be listened too. This empowers students value and contribute fully to school life.
Our SRC's have had their first meeting and then delivered and explained our Child Safety Policy to each class in child friendly language. It is so important students know where and who to go to if they need support or feel unsafe at school, home or online.
Pizza with the Principal - Foundation Families
As part of our welcome to our Foundation students and their families, we invite our families to join myself, the leadership team, the Foundation teaching team and some 5-6 teachers for Pizza and games!
When: Wednesday 28th February
Time: 6pm - 7:30pm
Venue: Performing Arts area
Please note:
Kelly Sports have kindly offered to have some games for our foundation students and siblings on this evening.
This will take place on the top basketball court.
Whilst these games are taking place, our parents will have an information session in the Performing Arts area. This will be run by our teaching staff.
Open Day Tours
Our Tours for prospective families begin next week. Our first tours are -
Friday 1st March at 9:15am and 10:15am.
Please tell your friends from Kinder/ neighbourhood to come for a visit.
For full list of Open Days please refer to 2024 Open Days Page in this edition.
Closure Day
Please note that the school will be closed to students on Friday 8th March enabling our staff to participate in our Faith Formation Professional Learning Day. This is the Friday before the Labour Day long weekend.
Please note:
Tuesday 5th March early finish 1pm
Friday 8th March - No school
Monday 11th March - No school
Canteen News
Please note
- The cut off time for ordering is 7am on each day.
Year 5 students - Secondary Schools
If you have a son/ daughter who is currently in Year 5 and you intend for him/her to attend a Catholic Secondary College, it is important that you look at the College websites. Over the next few weeks there will be a number of Open Days. It is your responsibility to know the College enrolment processes. See also Community News.
2023 Higher Achievers Awards
It was terrific to be able to join the Mazenod Community last week to celebrate the High Achievers from the 2023 VCE cohort. It was wonderful to see past students from St John Vianney's well represented.
Please read:
Yr 3 & Yr 5 NAPLAN Page with assessment schedule.