Welcome to 5/6N

We are off to an excellent start in 5/6N!
The students in 5/6N have enjoyed a wonderful start to the year. We have spent the first few weeks focusing on routines, expectations and building our classroom culture. We are now well underway with our Curriculum learning!
Here's what the students have to say about the first few weeks of school:
Settling in!
During the first few weeks of school everyone participated get to know you activities. Some of activities the we did were:
- making your own T shirt, this included drawing our favourite things on them
- making birthday cards for our classmates birthdays.
- creating our own tub labels online using our chrome books.
We also got to know our new teacher for this year and look forward to making new friends.
By: Stephanie, Ashton N and Khushman.
Behaviour Code
This term we learnt about the Behavior Code which is:
- People feel safe
- Teachers can teach
- Students can learn
- We look after each other and our belongings
- We do our best
We had a discussion about the behavior code and wrote one statement about it. We role played negative and positive scenarios so everyone understood what the code meant.
These are some of the points we thought about:
- People feel safe by not bullying people and by taking care of others
- Teachers can teach and students can learn by listening to the teacher, not talking when students are learning and being respectful to each other
- We look after each other and our belongings by being nice and by letting your friends play with you
- We do our best by finishing our work to the ability
By: Olivia, Nicolas and Justin
This year in 5/6N we are learning about Cyber Safety, and how to stay safe online. We learnt about the importance of having to stay safe online. We watched a video about what not to do online and how to deal with situations if something goes wrong. Everyone did a mini poster on e-safety and how to stay safe online.
By Duke, Felix , Andy and Aarush.
Our school theme 'We are God's Hands'
We completed a hand activity about the school theme, the school theme is 'We are God's Hands'. We traced our hand on a piece of coloured paper. On the fingers of the coloured paper we wrote what our talents are and on the palm we drew some drawings about our talents. On our wrist we wrote our name and goal for 2024. When we finished writing we added some decorations to make our drawings POP! After we finish we will display the hand in the middle area to represent our school theme. 🙌
By Charlize, Kristy and An
Leading up to Lent our year level decided to complete an activity which consisted of writing 40 deeds in a glass cross template. Next we used a fine liner around each of the words and finally we coloured in each word. We are trying to do all of these positive deeds in this Lenten period. On Shrove Tuesday we had pancakes at lunch time with the other Grade 5/6 classes.
For Ash Wednesday we had a liturgy and we received the ashes on our forehead.
By Ashton F, Jacob and Alex
Resilience Program excursion
The Resilience Project is our wellbeing Program for 2024. We are learning about showing Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. We went on a Resilience Project excursion to Glen Waverley Primary School and listened to a guest speaker, Martin Heppell. It was inspiring listening to stories and we look forward to continuing this program this year.
By: Zibo, Lydia and Ricky T