Celebrations and Acclamations

- Primary SS - The teachers and ES in Rooms 1 and 2 have done a great job with supporting other rooms when the Prep students are not onsite. Thank you for learning about students in other classrooms so quickly, and for being flexible.
- Middle SS - A very big thank you to each and every one of you for the way you show up for your students and each other. I am confident in saying even in the dreariest of situations we can always laugh alongside each other and make time to build each other up! The informal debriefs, follow ups and impromptu ‘how are you going?’ check in’s make the difference.’ Similarly, a big thank you to our learning specialists who will always make time to support classrooms where they can.
- Secondary SS - Just a huge thankyou to all the staff that I move between classrooms. Everyone moves without complaint which makes my job so much easier.
- Learning Specialists - Thank you to the amazing Therapy team for supporting us with our referrals. You're amazing!!!
- OH&S - A very big thank you to all the staff who are following our school's sun-smart protocols! Thank you to the staff in Room 5; Mia, Elishia and Gundeep, who kindly agreed to tidy the spare clothes and nappy change cupboard. Thanks for following up Rachael!
- Therapy Team - A big thank you to our subschool leaders for everything that you do for your subschool. We appreciate you :)
- Admin - Supershout out to Loc and Luat for their outstanding work implementing the gate fobs for staff. Great work !
- PCT - Thank you to all teachers for informing our teachers about sustaining clear lines of communication with our families to reschedule SSG meetings so effectively last Tuesday during our power outage. Well done!