School Council

Buildings and Grounds Parents Survey

Our School Council and Buildings and Grounds Committee are currently seeking input from YOU - our school community - regarding project ideas to continually develop our wonderful school buildings and grounds. 

Over the past three years, there have been significant fundraising efforts in contribution to the school's Master Plan, which we have started to action through works on re-designing our oval space/s. We are currently in the planning phase for the next two to three years of this Master Plan and would love for you to take the time to contribute your ideas through this brief survey link below:


School Council AGM

On Monday 18th March at 6pm, we have our School Council Annual General Meeting. This is designed as a brief, public school council meeting where all parents are invited to attend if they are interested. 

This meeting generally runs for approximately 15 to 20 minutes and is then followed by a regular school council meeting that only current school councillors stay on to attend.

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