Year 5 &6 News

On the 23rd of April, the year 5/6’s journeyed off to the Victorian Space Science Education Centre to explore the hidden depths of Mars. We were split up into two groups. 

The first group put on their groovy space suits…they looked pretty professional!


The second group then ventured off to program some Mars rovers! We were broken into two groups. 

Group 1 were given iPads to access an app used to program droids. Our task was to piece coding instructions together like a puzzle to instruct the droids to go where we wanted them to! Our aim was to get the droids to move around a “Mars Map,” and when they reached their destinations, our mission was complete!

Group 2 headed to the laboratory on Mars! In communications we got to chat via a computer connected to the comms on Mars. The group that went to Mars had to do research on what life on Mars would be like. Some of us collected & amp; tested soil and rocks while others tested the air quality. Every now and then there would be a system failure, and if we couldn’t fix it, they’d have to evacuate. 

It was an overall super fun experience that none of us will ever forget!

By Chloe and Evie Year 6