
SWPBS, Kimochis, RRRR



For wellbeing this term, our focus is kindness.

Each week we will focus on a different aspect of kindness:


  • kind words
  • kind to our indoor environment
  • kind listening
  • kind to others in our space
  • kind inclusion
  • kind to our outdoor environment
  • acts of kindness


Kimochi's in Foundation/1

The Foundation/1 are starting their Kimochi program this Term. The Kimochi's program is a beneficial wellbeing program that supports students to identify and manage their feelings. Each morning students are encouraged to check our kimochi feelings basket and check in the feeling that they may be having this morning, or a feeling they may like to have today. We then can go through each of the feelings and discuss how these look and what we can do about them. We are also meeting our kimochis characters who can help us with these feelings. This week we have met Lovey Dove. I have attached below the family info about Lovey Dove.