
Product Design Technologies

Year 10 Wood

Over the past few lessons in Product Design, we have been trialling a camera-less photographing technique known as Cyanotype! To begin our learning we were shown numerous examples of how you could utilise this technique to create eye-catching prints that fit our own personal design aesthetics. This also helped spark ideas for the lamps we are currently constructing. 


In the later lessons we were given the chance to create our own Cyanotypes. Instead of using film to capture our images we instead decided to use native flora found around the school which appealed to our individual aesthetics, then we composed the plants in a way which pleased us we then commenced with exposing them to UV in order for the image to appear and washing them, Now each of us have lovely prints which we all got to take home. 

By Imogen Elliott 10C


Kirby Sens 

Learning Specialist - Student Engagement Programs Leader

Woodwork Teacher