Student Awards

Responsible, Resilient, Respectful
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep G | Sophie | Resilient Learner | Sophie has developed her resilience at school this week by demonstrating her amazing writing skills. Despite her initial feelings of being unsure, she has bounced back and become much more confident with writing her name, Stage 1 words and heart words. Fantastic job, Sophie. |
Prep V | Harrison | Resilient Learner | Harrison has demonstrated that he is a resilient learner when it comes to our class routines and expectations. He is able to transition into different activities with increasing confidence and ease. Well done Harrison! Keep up the hard work.
Junior A | Freya | Resilient | Freya has been an incredibly resilient learner this term. She has shown great interest towards her learning in Maths and is always focused and ready to learn new addition strategies. When faced with challenges, Freya has shown an ability to ask for help to find a solution and she never gives up when things get a bit tricky. Well done Freya! |
Junior G | Billie | Resilient | Billie it has been amazing to watch your confidence grow during our Literacy sessions. Your resilience and hard work is paying off and I am so impressed with how you have tackled learning new sounds this term. Your determination and can-do attitude is infectious and we are so lucky to have you in our class! Keep it up Billie :) |
Middle M | James | Resilient | James displayed great determination and resilience in his learning this week. Despite some missed days, he applied himself diligently to grasp what he had missed. His focus, dedication, and proactive approach were evident as he worked hard to create a writing piece inspired by a Seed in his Writer’s Notebook. Well done, James! |
Middle T | Harry | Responsible | Harry has continually shown responsibility for his learning this term. It has been fantastic to see him sharing his ideas during class discussions and asking for help. His focused and responsible attitude towards learning enabled him to write a fantastic persuasive text last week about why surfing is the best sport. Keep it up Harry! |
Middle J | Aidan | Resilient | For the impressive effort you have been putting into your learning since the beginning of this term. You have been collaborating wonderfully, particularly in your reading groups. Also, the creativity you have been using in writing is highly admirable. It is fantastic to see you grow as a learner :) Well done Aidan! |
Senior B | Phoenix | Responsible | For your dedication to learning and approach to challenges. You are not only an outstanding student but also a great role model to your prep buddy, inspiring them to also strive for achievement and responsible learning. Keep up the excellent work, Phoenix, your responsible attitude sets a fantastic example for your peers! |
Senior O | Millie | Responsible | For setting a wonderful example to your peers through your responsible behaviour. You are always engaged and on task in lessons and take great care of both your own and school belongings. Thank you for always being a great student to rely on. You’re a star Millie!
Digi Tech | Rory | Responsible | Rory’s efforts during our first session of Digi Tech this term. Rory listened carefully to instructions, was involved and engaged in our class discussions and completed the activity on DATA in the required time. And not only did he do all this, but when Rory completed his classroom task, he used his initiative by going to the class library to read some books.Well done Rory ! |
Visual Arts | Hudson | Resilient | Hudson showed a great determination and resilience when faced with a challenge in the Art Room. He couldn’t find his background painting he had carefully created and he was happy and relaxed when Ms Jacinta offered to help him make a new one. He got on with the job at hand and I was very proud of him. His final Cezaanne inspired Still Life is going to be beautiful. Well done Hudson. |
Performing Arts | Eli | Proactive Learner | For the incredible bravery and progress displayed in Performing Arts during our Whole Class Play. Eli has worked hard to find his ‘actor voice’ and deliver dialogue in a clear, confident and interesting way. Eli’s commitment to character and drive to do his best has been a joy to watch. Superhero effort, Eli! |
Curios, Determined, Collaborative, Creative, Proactive, Self-aware
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep G | Greta | Self-Aware Learner | Greta has made fantastic progress with her reading over the last couple of weeks. She is effectively transferring the sound knowledge she’s learnt in class into her blending, and she’s beginning to read with confidence and fluency. So amazing Greta, well done! |
Prep V | Mila | Determined Learner | Mila has worked hard on her reading this term and made some great progress. She can confidently transfer her letter sound knowledge to sounding out unknown words. Even when she makes a mistake, Mila is able to recognise it and shows determination to fix and learn from it. Keep up the hard work Mila! |
Junior A | Amelie | Self-Aware | For your incredible efforts in our Descriptive Writing unit. Amelie you have worked so hard to extend your sentences by including a range of adjectives in your writing. You have embraced feedback through the editing process and have strived to improve each lesson. You should be so proud of the description that you wrote about your ‘thoughtful’ monster. Way to go Amelie! |
Junior G | Xavier | Determined Learner | For your persistence and determination with your writing! Xavier, I am so proud of the progress you have made with your writing this year. You are a prime example of how hard work pays off! Your determination and success has been an inspiration to your peers as your classmates have acknowledged and celebrated your successes. Keep up the slow, controlled work Xavier! |
Middle M | Biagio | Collaborative | Biagio is an outstanding example of a collaborative learner and shows this every day in the Middle M classroom. He is always eager to share his thinking and work with others to enhance both his own and others' understanding of concepts being explored. He has shown this particularly well this week in maths. Well done, Biagio! |
Middle T | Ari | Curious | Ari has shown a fantastic, curious attitude towards learning this week. He has been asking some great questions about the texts we have been reading and shown eagerness to research and write about his chosen country during writing. Keep up the great work Ari! |
Middle J | Rocco | Determined | For the amazing determination you have shown when learning about different countries and environments in both writing and inquiry. You worked diligently to find accurate facts and details about Italy in the early stages of writing an information report, which is looking spectacular. Well done Rocco and keep up the hard work! |
Senior B | Sophia | Determined | For your determination in getting back to school and keeping up with your learning. It has been a challenging term for you with a broken leg and having your tonsils removed, but you haven’t let it get you down! You come to school everyday with a smile, determined to work hard in all aspects of your learning. Your perseverance and ability to be involved in all classroom activities is very admirable. Well done, Sophia! |
Senior O | Sansa | Determined | For the determination you have shown when solving challenging addition and subtraction equations in Maths lessons. You have taken on difficult problems with resilience and enthusiasm in order to grow as a learner. Keep up the great ‘can do’ attitude Sansa! |
Visual Arts | Senior O and B | Creative | For their really clever and skillful blending techniques. In the art room we always focus on producing a piece which is successful but importantly we try and learn a new skill along the way. Both Senior classes excelled at their colour blending practise and I was actually dazzled by the results. Congratulations Seniors |
Performing Arts | Casper | Self Aware Learner Award | For continually leading by example and being a highly motivated member of our Performing Arts classroom. Casper is eager to contribute in class discussions, challenge himself, show bravery in performance and respect every student's right to learn and have fun. Take a bow, Casper! |