Junior School, Brooklyn Park

Lachlan Brockbank, Liam Grosvenor, Sharyn Keating, Year 1/2 Teachers of Junior School

On this page: Inquiry and Visual Art / Mother's Day Memories

Inquiry and Visual Art 

This term in our inquiry unit, Year 1 and 2 students will be exploring natural and man made features of their local environment as they consider how places change over time, and ways in which people care for places.


As part of our Visual Art unit, students have developed a self-portrait using Autumn leaves in place of hair. To complete this task, students used sketching techniques learned during Term 1 to sketch their faces, and then considered the style, length and in some cases, colour of their hair to select leaves to stick onto their portraits."


Lachlan Brockbank, Liam Grosvenor, Sharyn Keating

Year 1/2 Teachers of Junior School

Mother's Day Memories

Last Friday, 10 May, we hosted a Mother's Afternoon Activity Day. Many moms joined us for some quality catch-up time, followed by visiting their child's classroom. 


It was lovely seeing all your faces, catching up and sharing stories. We are blessed to have so many loving and caring Mums in our Emmaus community.


Enjoy scrolling through the photos!