Early Learning Centre

Amanda Ruddock,Educational Leader

Student Free Day for the ELC Staff Team

Have you ever stopped and looked around and embraced your surroundings?


Recently, I was walking and found myself reflecting on the simplicity of learning. 


I was surrounded by Autumn leaves and with each step came a noise, a crunch sound from beneath my feet as I moved briskly along the path. 


This simple moment, a simple sound made me reflect on the moments we as educators are privileged to witness.


Within our learning environments, we create intimate spaces that foster these moments of simplicity, allowing educators to partner and challenge children’s understandings as co-researchers, learning alongside children.


“Children develop understandings of themselves and their world through active, hands-on investigation. A supportive active learning environment encourages all children’s engagement in learning, which can be recognised as deep concentration and complete focus on what captures their curiosity and interests.”

(Australian Government Department of Education (AGDE) (2022). Belonging, Being and Becoming. Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (V2.0).  Australian Government Department of Education for the Ministerial Council.)


As a staff team, we have placed great emphasis on being more intentional in all aspects of our teaching, and ‘The Power of Simplicity’ is a perfect example of how we stop and embrace a moment in time and challenge learning through the lens of the Early Years Learning Framework.


Amanda Ruddock 

Educational Leader