Student Wellbeing

Adam Wood, Director of Faith Formation and Wellbeing

Navigating Change

We all experience change as we progress through our lives. Whether it was starting school, moving to high school or starting tertiary study. Changes happen to our bodies as we grow, train for sports, or practice new skills and hobbies.


Changes happen not just for children in school but also for adults too. There may be changes in our family dynamics, a different job, or a new house. Friendships can change over the years, someone with whom we were once really close to can become more of an acquaintance than best friend.


All of these things are changes, and that is ok. Change can be difficult. Change may make us feel sad or happy. Changes are going to happen in our lives.


We have an amazing Wellbeing Team at our College at both campuses. They are incredibly talented people who can help our students navigate the changes they might face. 


Changes are happening with our school buildings at South Plympton, and we know that whilst it is noisy and hard, it will greatly benefit the College. 


There is a change soon to happen in our South Plympton Wellbeing Team. Mel Rogers has been part of our South Plympton team for the past nine months but will shortly be finishing in her role because Erin James will be returning to work after having a baby in just a few weeks. This is a big change. We have grown to love Mel and have been blessed by the care and counsel she has brought to many. You may have spent some time with Mel yourself, talking about the changes that have been happening in your life. 


But remember that change is ok, and that changes will always happen. So as Mel finishes her time with us here at Emmaus and goes to work as a counsellor in another school, please wish her well, and thank her for helping so many navigate change. 


We pray God’s richest blessings upon Mel as she works through this change in her life and wish her every success.


Please remind your children that we are always available to discuss any changes you may be facing.


Adam Wood

Director of Faith Formation and Wellbeing