Student Achievements

On this page: Australian Computational Linguistics Olympiad Results (OzCLO) / Debating Round 1 Results

Australian Computational and Linguistic Olympiad (OzCLO)

Emmaus has participated for a number of years in the Australian Computational and Linguistic Olympiad (OzCLO). Our students formed teams of four to five and took on the challenge of competing against other schools in the state.


The competition was a great opportunity for our students to showcase their computational thinking and linguistic analysis skills, tackling Orthodox Greek, Guna, and Haida (a language spoken in Canada and Alaska with 20 native speakers). 


We are proud to announce that our top team achieved the second-highest junior team score in the state! A testament to their hard work and dedication.


Following this great performance, the team moved on to the national round at St. Peter's College. There, they earned a place in the 'Bronze' category, which marks a significant accomplishment.


The students in our qualifying team were Leah D, Rexon L, Savannah P, and Mia G. Their achievements reflect their skills and the strong support they receive from our community and their families.


We look forward to seeing what the future holds for these talented students and hope their success will encourage others to explore their own interests in computational linguistics and other areas.


Nick Rodda

Gifted and Talented Program Key Teacher

Debating - Round 1

This week marked the exciting beginning of the debating season with the first round taking place at Mercedes College. 


Our teams have been diligently training weekly with their coaches from Years 5 - 9, and were eager to step into the arena and put their skills to the test.


We sent five of our six teams to compete this Tuesday, and while we viewed this round primarily as a learning opportunity and a warm-up, our teams exceeded expectations. 


We proudly announce that four of the five teams won their debates! Additionally, four of our speakers (Phoebe E, Niamh A, Cara M and Charis L) were recognised as ‘Speaker of the Night' (Charis not pictured).


These results are a fantastic start to the debating season for Emmaus and hopefully a sign of more successes to come. The hard work of our students and their coaches is           

paying off, and we are excited to see how they               Left to right: Cara, Phoebe, Niamh

will continue to develop and succeed in future 



Thank you to all the parents and community members for your ongoing support. It makes a difference and helps our students shine in these competitive settings.


Nick Rodda

Gifted and Talented Program Key Teacher