Wednesday 22nd May

On next WEDNESDAY 22nd MAY 2024 we encourage families to walk to school where possible and weather permitting. As in previous years, there will be teachers to meet the bus children at the Colac Secondary College to accompany the children on their walk from there to our school on WEDNESDAY 22nd MAY 2024. If the weather is inclement, teachers will be there to advise children to stay on the bus! Children who are usually driven to school are also welcome to meet us at the CSC between 8:20am and 8:25am and join the walk. Walk Safely to School Day asks that we consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. And, although walking all the way to school may not be realistic for all, there may be a way to build a walk in for part of the way. If you have to drive, park the car a few blocks away and walk together the rest of the way. For more information visit
This WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY on WEDNESDAY 22nd MAY 2024 is just for the 1 day. However, later on in the year we will have our Walktober month with similar Friday walking opportunities offered and encouraged each week.