Religious Education

Excitement is gathering for a day of music and song Andrew by Chinn.
Andrew Chinn Concert: On Thursday 16th May, Australian religious songwriter and singer, Andrew Chinn, will be visiting our school to share his songs with our children. Andrew’s songs, such as “These Hands”, “Rainbow”, “An African Blessing” and “Rise Up!” are used in classrooms and liturgies around Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada. The concert will take place in Multi-purpose Room here at Sacred Heart after lunch break from 2:20pm to 3:10pm.
Families are most welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.
Last Wednesday we celebrated Catholic Education Week with a Mass at St Mary’s Church. Students and staff from Sacred Heart, St Brendan’s, St Mary’s and school leaders from Trinity College came together in recognition and to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the formation of the Catholic Diocese of Ballarat.
We are blessed and grateful to have an amazing Parish Priest in Fr Michael. We thank him for the love, support and guidance that he gives so graciously to our schools and the wider community.
This coming Sunday we celebrate Pentecost. A day that christians commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ. In Christian tradition, this event represents the birth of the early Church.
Julie Leonard - Religious Education Leader & Wellbeing Leader