Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,

    I hope all of our Mums and Grandmas enjoyed their day last Sunday. Certainly the weather was pretty well perfect. On behalf of our entire community I would like to extend a big “Thank you” to Erica Gleeson and her team for their fantastic work in organising the Mother’s Day Stall. The children certainly get a kick out of making their selections from the gifts on offer. As adults we understand the old saying about it being better to give than receive, to see the joy on a loved one’s face when a gift, a gesture or even a kind word from us can make someone else feel loved, appreciated and perhaps even indulged. It’s important, I think, to give our children the opportunity to experience these feelings and to even name them when it happens. I still believe that love is more powerful than hate, that understanding can defeat ignorance and that kindness can overcome meanness.

I hope Mother’s Day was a reminder of these truths in all of our families.


Thank you to all parents and carers who had to make other arrangements for the kids whilst our staff took a day for Professional Development. We spent time reflecting upon the qualities that make our school who we are. Our focus was the Scripture that our Code of Conduct is based upon. It is the same text that is displayed prominently in our foyer: 

“As I have loved, so you must have love for one another. If you have love for one another then everyone will know that you are my disciples.” 


This, for me, is key. This is how we know we belong.


CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK MASS A very big “Thank you “ to our Religious Education Leader, Julie Leonard who worked with key personnel from Trinity College, St Mary’s and St Brendan’s to plan last Wednesday’s Catholic Education Week Mass. The children from all three Catholic Primary schools and the student leaders from Trinity College filled St Mary’s Church to overflowing, to the point that a number of our classes had to sit on the floor. Despite this, as always the children’s attention, behaviour and reverence was first class. Thank you too to all of the kids and the staff from all schools.


ANDREW CHINN CONCERT Andrew Chinn has been writing, recording and performing Chrisitian music, books and other content to support our Catholic curriculum for over 20 years. He has visited our school twice before and I am very happy to report that he is returning on Thursday May 16th. Our students are very familiar with many of his songs.

Andrew will spend the day with us performing and teaching before hosting a whole school concert after lunch to which parents are warmly invited.

The concert will begin at 2:20pm and be held in our courtyard/Multipurpose space. Andrew is always a lot of fun.


FR. MICHAEL’S 50th JUBILEE Later this month our Parish Priest, Fr Michael O’Toole will celebrate the 50th anniversary of his ordination. Fifty years of service to the people of the Ballarat Diocese is an incredible effort. I know that we, the community of Colac, have been absolutely blessed with his leadership of service and I for one am very grateful for his wisdom, his example and his friendship. 

Again our Catholic Schools will be coming together to celebrate this important milestone with Fr Michael by attending the 10:00am Mass at St Mary’s on Friday May 24th. After Mass we will be sharing a cake with Fr Michael on the courts at St Mary’s school. Parents and friends are invited to join us for this after mass celebration, as I’m not sure where we will fit anyone else besides the kids for the Mass!

Hope to see you there.


NATIONAL WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY (Wednesday May 22nd) This is a great opportunity to consider how our kids get to and from school. We all know the benefits of extra exercise and less cars on the road, but I wonder if we have considered the benefits such as self confidence, self reliance and independence that come with kids taking responsibility for getting themselves to and from school. Please see on page 14 of  this newsletter for information about some options to support this day that our school is offering.


Jack Lenaghan - Principal