Community Movie Night

Community engagement & connection 

St. Mel's Community Movie Night

Thank you to the families able to attend our Community Movie Night held last night at the school.


What a wonderful school community event! The aim of our evening was to gather with as many of our school families as possible in celebration of our rich cultural diversity along with community organisations who have supported our broader local community through recent years of local community hardship. 

Originally planned for Harmony Day in Term One and moved due to organisational difficulties (largely due to competition with other local Harmony Day activities) we ended up with the perfect evening for an outdoor event.


Our School Advisory Board, Parent Social Community and 2024 Community Movie Night Planning Team are very grateful for the outstanding support of:

Our broader community partners:

Resilience in Recovery, City of Greater Shepparton, Uncle Dixie, Shepparton Search & Rescue, Victoria State Emergency Service, Victoria Police, Australian Red Cross & Flood Recovery.

 Our school-connected Food Vendors & local vendors:

Jam Packed Coffee & Donuts, Nanna Marce, The Little Gourmet Food Company, Mr Sheppy & GV Party Starter.


Enchanted Rainbow Face Painting, The Big Screen Company & GV Generators Hire & Sales. 


We are also very grateful for the wonderful support of our Year 6 Leaders involved in our planning meetings, parent / carer / family member volunteers and for the large number of school staff who came along to support this amazing school event. Special mention also to all those who assisted with the post-movie event pack up and clean up!

A truly incredible, well organised and run community event enjoyed by those able to come along and enjoy our wonderful community spirit.


Thank you to the many parents, carers, family and community members who took the time also to provide positive feedback last night or today.


There is such richness, strength and capacity in our community. Looking forward to our next opportunity to come together.