Catholic Identity

2024 Diocesean Theme 

Sacramental Candidates 2023/2024 ~ 

Please continue to pray for our Sacramental Candidates as they journey closer to receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation & First Eucharist on Pentecost Sunday, May 19th. Our Sacramental children had the opportunity to address each of our pastoral groups this week and spoke to them about their preparation, the saint names they have chosen and presented each pastoral group with a prayer card to place on their prayer table as a tangible reminder to keep them in their prayers. Witnessing their growing confidence as they navigated through the learning spaces was truly uplifting.




Catholic Education Week is almost upon us (April 28th - May 4th). What perfect way to highlight all that makes us unique, and to celebrate the distinctive mission of Catholic schools.

Kate Fogarty CES Limited Executive Director  


Catholic Education Week

Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all Catholic schools across our diocese to celebrate our Catholic Identity, something we are so proud of and is at the centre of all we do. 


The focus in the diocese this year is our 2024 Diocesan Theme ~ “Behold, I am making all things new” (Rev. 21:5). Our Lord comforts us in our fear, brings hope to the hopeless, brings new life and purpose out of nothingness, and longs to transform your heart if you give him permission to.


We celebrated as a school community through our Assembly prayer, prayer within our learning suits, our School Open Day, in the making of Hearts & our annual World Labyrinth Day.


During our assembly prayer our 3/4 students spoke to us and shared their artwork on what makes our catholic school special:



“Jesus give us a heart that loves like you, feels like you, understands like you and behaves like you.” 

Bishop Joe Grech


World Labyrinth Day 2024 

Our School Community came together for such an important day today, Friday, May 3rd for World Labyrinth Day in schools. This annual Labyrinth-a-thon has been celebrated since our school labyrinth was created in 2012. 


This year the theme was Peaceful Hearts ~ we focussed on Scripture from the First Book of Samuel: “God does not see as man sees; man looks at appearances, but the Lord looks at the heart” and a prayer from the wonderful & inspiring late Bishop Joe Grech: “Jesus give us a heart that loves like you, feels like you, understands like you and behaves like you.”


A massive thank you to Luisa Cassise, who returned to our school for the day to support us in this special event. We are so blessed to have Luisa's wisdom, experience and passion to guide us with our Labyrinth walks. Luisa has been an integral person in these days since 2012.


Thank you to our Year 6 Leaders, who helped our day run so smoothly.

Thank you to all the children for the respectful way they participated, they really saw the importance of the Labyrinth and how much it is valued at our school as a form of prayer & meditation at our school and around the world. 


Our hearts are full after this very memorable day.


Thank you again to all involved.


"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them."

ANZAC Day Liturgy

Our ANZAC Day liturgy was such a moving, prayerful experience. Our Year 6 leaders led us in commemorating and praying for all those men and women who had gone to war and fought for peace and for Australia’s freedom and all in our world who have been and are still affected by war. 


ANZAC Day is also an important day for us to stop and pray for peace – 

➢ peace in our world, 

➢ peace among people in our own country, 

➢ peace in our families, 

➢ and peace in our own hearts. 


We were blessed to have Daniel Gleeson (Kayden, Charli & Morgan's Dad) a part of our School Liturgy. Daniel, a distinguished member of the Australian Defence Force and a respected veteran of the Shepparton RSL sub-branch committee, has a rich history of service. He proudly served in the 3rd Royal Australian Regiment, specializing as a paratrooper.  Daniel was the guest speaker at a number of the ANZAC Day ceremonies in our local area on ANZAC Day, including the Shepparton Dawn Service, as well as our school liturgy. Dan spoke of the profound significance of ANZAC Day in his life. Being a time of deep contemplation, a moment to honor the mates he served alongside and the unwavering support of his family. Daniel enlightened our students about the cherished traditions associated with ANZAC Day, such as the iconic Anzac biscuits and the symbolism of poppies. In solidarity and remembrance, both our staff and students wore red poppies during the liturgy.



Our Year 6 Leaders & the Gleeson Family at the Shepparton Cenotaph on ANZAC Day. Beatrice, Harry, Dougal & Hayley placed a wreath at the 11am service on behalf of our St. Mel's School Community. They represented our School Community with pride. 




Have a wonderful weekend ahead, 

Danae Napier


Deputy Principal / Religious Education Leader.