From Our Principal

St Mel's is a proud Catholic Education Community, striving, learning 


and achieving together through Christ our light.

Newsletter  ~ Term 2, Week  3, 2024

Principal's Message:

Dear Parents, Carers, Families and Friends of St Mel’s Primary School,


Happy Catholic Education Week to all members of our St Mel's PS community!

Commencing last Sunday 28 April, Catholic Education Week is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our rich, vibrant and diverse Catholic Education community and the learning that occurs here on a daily basis at our school.

This week is another opportunity to consider our Diocesan theme for 2024... 

"Behold! I make all things new!" 


As a Catholic education community we offer an educational experience based on the Victorian Curriculum, our diocesan Religious Education curriculum 'Source of Life, along with a contemporary experience of learning within a vibrant and diverse community.

Every day brings new opportunity, new experiences, new understanding and new learning.


Enrolment for 2025 (& 2024):

We have commenced accepting Expressions of Interest for 2025 enrolments, with a number of families visiting the school for tours of our learning areas and facilities this term.

Current families with children to commence in Foundation (Prep) in 2025 are invited to contact the Administration Office to collect enrolment documentation.


If you are aware of families seeking tours and/or enrolment packs, please direct them to contact the Administation Office to register their Expression of Interest.

We aim to have an indication of numbers by the end of this term.


Pleasingly we have welcomed new students and their families to St Mel's PS this term. Our Year 6 Leaders and I have enjoyed providing families with a glimpse of our learning programs, learning areas and facilities over the past few weeks and during our Open Day on Tuesday of this week.


Spread the word - we are calling for enrolments!


Anzac Day 2024

I am grateful for the support of Year 6 Leaders Beatrix, Harry, Dougal and Hayley who joined St Mel's PS families, staff and myself at the Shepparton cenotaph on Anzac Day for the 11:00am service. Our Year 6 Leaders, along with leaders from local primary and secondary schools, laid wreaths in remembrance of those serving, those who have served and individuals who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Lest we forget!


Interschool Cross Country:

Congratulations to our Year 5/6 students on their enthusiastic participation in the 2024 Interschool Cross Country event held at Princess Park on Wednesday. The weather was perfect for this activity and our children represented our school very well. Pleasing to hear such positive accounts from the event. Congratualtions to ALL children taking part in the event and well done also to those children who have proceeded to district level. (More new in our Sports Section).


Attendance at School Matters!

Attendance at school is strongly linked to attendance at work in later life!

Expected attendance at school and high attendance rates contribute to life long attitudes, approaches and commitment to employment. Every day counts, as every day contributes to a child's learning, growth and development. Forming appropriate attendance habits commences early in the life and continues to be strengthened every day a child attends school.



Thank you for your onging support of our school community and our young learners.


Kind regards,




Stephen 'Steve' Hicks
