Tuckshop News 


Have you tried our new Toasty Meal Deal yet?

Ham and cheese toasty or cheese toasty (dairy free also available)

Popcorn and a crunchy apple 




We have made ordering easier on Qkr by adding one button options. Let us know if this makes ordering quicker and easier. We are happy for any feedback you may have. 




Almost time for the hot chocolate machine to make an appearance! Order on Qkr from week 5.





Friendship/Birthday Buckets and Birthday Lunches

Friendship Buckets can be for any occasion and

Birthday Buckets are to celebrate your child's special day. A bucket of Quelch sticks is sent to your child's class for each student. Birthday lunch is also available. Place your regular tuckshop order which comes in a special box with birthday stickers.  



We are always looking for new volunteers. Even if you only have 15-30 minutes to spare. Pop in and say hi to Desi and register your interest.


Special mention to our helpers this fortnight

Kelly, Carly, Maria, Cameron, Janet, Sammi, Lucy and Angel. We can't wait to see our regular Friday couple Stan and Carol who are back after some vacation time away. We have missed you both.


Friday WOW – Sticker team Members 

Jade and little Eliza, Candice, Lauren, Cindy and little Owen 


Once again, thank you to my amazing tuckshop team -

Meagan and Mel



Desiree Lees

Tuckshop Supervisor